Dear friends and fellow laborers in Christ. Many of you are full time ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ while others are lay ministers within the church. However we all have one thing in common and that is that we, like the salmon are swimming up stream with our faith in God through the finished work of Jesus Christ. The rest of the world is taking the easy road that leads to destruction and they are swimming down stream, not believing the Word of God. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that we are not of this world and that what we believe are worlds apart from what they are believing. The following portion is what God has given to me to share with those folks that believe that they are "A WORD PERSON".What does it mean to be a “Word Person”? I believe that every now and then we need to ask ourselves that question again because we go through so many attacks and adversities that if we are not careful we will adhere to the world's ways and thinking. A Word Person is a person of the Word of God that believes that Jesus is who he says he is and can do what he says he can and will do in the earth and in their own life.
I don’t know about you, but Jesus has changed my life completely and it is His Word that has made the difference in my life by bringing faith in it itself. Does that sound like you? I believe that God the Father sent Jesus Christ to the earth to bring me into a living relationship with him and with the Lord Jesus Christ through the new birth. I have been born again, so I am related to the Father and I am his very own son: John 1:12 and 1st Peter 1:23 2nd Cor 5:17,“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for ever”
1. I am a WORD PERSON because I believe the Word of God to be infallible, inspired, God breathed, Holy, sanctified, living, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword and it is able to judge the hearts and intentions of the heart of man because it is the Word of God. I believe that it is able to change lives in a powerful and eternal way because it has changed mine. It brings faith into my heart when I read, meditate and study it. I believe because I am a Word person ( 2 Tim, Heb 4:12, Ro 10:17 ).
I believe that the Word of God is a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet. It gives understanding to me. It leads me in every day living and helps me make wise choices. I believe it is the truth to which I lean on and depend. I meditate on it day and night because I am a Word person.
I believe that it is both the New and Old Covenant offered to man, and because I received Jesus, It is God’s Covenant offer to me. I am His covenant partner in the earth, and together we can accomplish much. I believe what Jesus said as he took the cup and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, This do as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me”. I believe that we are ministers of a new covenant and are ministering to the Lord. We are not condemned from the letter of the law but are free by the Spirit of the Lord ( Heb 7-8, 1 Cor 11:25, 2nd Cor 3:6, Eph 2:12 ).
Because of the Word of God, when I come to the Father I have a heart filled with faith toward him in what he will do. I know that he is ready and willing to answer all of my prayers. Romans 10:17, 1st John 5:14.
I believe that the Word of God speaks to me when I lie down, when I rise up and when I go forth. In all my ways I commit to Him and he directs my path in righteousness and truth according to His Holy Word. There isn’t any accident or incident that can over-take and destroy me because I dwell in the secret place of the most High God. Because I know him according to His Word and I know the power of His Name, so he keeps me. I refuse to be moved by what I see or am experiencing, but trust completely in Him and what he says he can and will do from his Word. I AM A WORD PERSON!
I believe that the Word of God is life to me and medicine to all of my flesh. When I am in need of God’s healing medicine, I go to the Word and receive what I have need of because God’s Word is medicine to my whole body (Proverbs 4:21 & 22).
2. I BELIEVE THAT WHAT THE WORD SAYS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST: I believe that He is the only begotten son of God, he is and was the sinless Lamb of God since the foundation of the World. I believe he is the Christ, Messiah, Anointed and the chosen one as the scriptures prophesied from old. I believe that he is the Covenant of the Father, the Healer for those who believe, and the Answer to all who look to him. I believe because I am a Person of the Word of God.
I believe that Jesus can do all things in my life; and even more than I can ask or imagine (Eph 3:20). I believe that Jesus lived a sinless life, went to the cross for me, died for me, went into hell and took the keys of death, hell and the grave from Satan. I believe that he rose again on the 3rd day victoriously and was seen by more that 500 people testifying to his resurrection. I believe that he is currently at the Father’s right hand interceding for me and you. I am a Word person.
I believe that Jesus did the work of the Father while he was n the earth. I believe that he only did what he saw and heard the Father do! He healed the sick, made the lame to walk, brought sight to the blind, and delivered the captive from satan's oppression and proclaimed the day of salvation. I know, therefore, that Jesus is my righteousness, deliverer, healer, soul satisfier, strengthener, peace, joy and the author of my salvation. I believe that he is the Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end and there is o other way to the Father of Lights but through him. I am a Word Person (John 3:34, 4:34, 5:19, 14:6, and 2nd Cor 5:20).
I believe that the Name of Jesus is above each and every other name! It is a name conferred upon Jesus, inherited from the Father and given to the church to use in prayer and against the enemy of our faith. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ it is my privilege and duty to use that name in the place of Jesus while I am upon this earth and as an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus' name puts demons to flight, changes lives, delivers the soul of man and, when spoken in faith, moves mountains. I believe that just before Jesus left this earth to go into heaven, that he gave all authority to the church, telling us to go forth and make disciples of all nations in His name. I believe that he gave this name to the church to exercise authority over the spirits of the devil, and to restrict their activity in the earth. I believe at the mention of the Name of Jesus, demons tremble and hope that we don’t use the name in faith! When at times I don’t see the results after using the name of Jesus, I still believe that the power of God in His name is accomplishing what I have spoken (Matt 28:18, Mark 16:6).
I believe that I have whatsoever things that I say in the name of Jesus according to His Word, so I watch carefully what I say and then believe what comes out of my mouth (Mark 11:23-24). I believe because I am a Word person.
I believe that Jesus came to the earth to die (a sinner’s death) for me, that I might become the righteousness of God in Christ. I believe that he was made poor that I might become rich and an heir and joint heir to the throne of God with him and the Father. I I believe I am no longer a sinner, but what God sees through Jesus Christ; I am a vessel of righteousness and live the life of righteousness (Ro 3:22, 2nd Cor 5:2, 8:9, and Eph 3:6).
I believe that Jesus took my stripes upon his body, was pierced for my transgressions, crushed and bruised for my iniquities, chastened for my well being, and by His stripes I believe that I am healed today! (Isaiah 53:4-6, 1st Peter 2:24, Matt 8:17)
I believe that when Jesus left this earth to go to the Father, that he sent another comforter which is called the Holy Spirit to help me in all of life’s dealings. He is a wonderful helper, aid, and strengthener; he brings wisdom and knowledge to me daily as Jesus said he would and reminds me of the teachings of Jesus. I believe because I am a Word person.
I don’t believe what the world says about the Bible or people of the Bible. I don’t care what some novels say, talk show hosts, movie stars, magazines, movies or even some (so called) men of God. I believe that the Bible is what it claims to be; the infallible Word of God. I don’t believe what some professors in major universities have said either; the Bible will never be outdated and will never cease to bring assistance and freedom to me and to those who believe in it. The heavens will pass away one day, but the Word of God will abide forever!
I believe because I am a Word Person.
I don’t believe every doctrine that goes around and I don’t believe everything I hear on television either. I don’t believe every thought I hear but I cast down imaginations and thoughts and put them captive to the obedience of Christ and His Word. I believe that abiding in Jesus and abiding in His Word makes me a disciple and that being a disciple in the Word shall make me free (Cor 9:5, Matt 24:35).
I believe that if we don’t stand up for what is true and right, then we will fall for anything, as the old adage goes!
3. I believe everything that God says about me in the covenant of His Word. I believe that I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me; and with his help and power, accomplish mighty deeds in the last days. I believe that "greater is the Christ within me than he is in the world" (Phil 4:13, Dan 1:32, 1st John 4:4). I am a Word Person.
I don’t believe the lies of the devil; I don’t answer when he calls me poor boy, sinner, looser or brings charges against me that Jesus has paid for and erased by His shed blood. I believe that I am a saint, chosen of God, blood bought, and on my way to heaven child of the living God. I am not a loser but a winner in Christ and in life.
I believe that God has sent his Spirit to the earth and he is currently living in me. I am full of the Holy Spirit from the top of my head to the toes of my feet. Wherever I go, he goes and brings complete enablement in my life. He brings victory in my life in and through every situation because he is the greater one living in me. I believe because I am a Word person.
I am anointed with him on the outside for the service of God and his anointing is abiding in me to draw upon in every day life. I am anointed of the Living God and I fear not Satan for God’s Spirit has not given me a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind (2nd Cor 1:21 and 2nd Tim 1:7).
The very same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives and abides in me and because he does, he is quickening my mortal body by his indwelling Spirit. Therefore I am recovering from sickness, disease, weakness and every oppressive spirit of the enemy. My body is the temple of God and I honor Jesus by keeping sickness and disease and the devil off of God’s property! (Ro 8:11, 1st Cor 6:19).
The Holy Spirit upon me enables me to do the very same works that Jesus did when we walked the earth some 2,000 years ago. I am able to do the same works that Jesus did because it is the Father in me that does the work and because Jesus commanded me to do the same works. I am able to do them because Jesus gave me His Holy Spirit, the anointing to accomplish the work in His name and with his power. I don’t tolerate the enemy in my life but stand up to him with the name and authority that was given to me in Christ Jesus. He runs from me because the Christ of God is greater than he is in my life (John 14:12, Luke 10:19, John 14:10).
My prayer for each one of you today is that you will become strengthened by the Spirit of God and by the Word of God itself. Many times we are under an attack and it weakens our faith, though at the time we are not realizing that our faith has been weakened, only later realizing it. I hope that this has strengthened your faith in Christ and called to your remembrance what the Word of God has to say about you and me. Just keeping the Word of God like this before me and reading it helps us maintain a good spiritual balance with everything that is going on in the world. I hope that this will be a blessing to you and to all who read it.
Reverend Gary Priem