~ For encouragement and edification ~
~ Feb 2015 ~
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From the Book: "The Life And Calling Of A Missionary"
When those of you that are missionaries are in need of a home, a place to stay, finances for traveling or other material, financial, or social needs, then we can confidently believe for what the Lord has promised in His Covenant Word. We see in Matthew’s Gospel in the 19th Chapter beginning with the 29th vs. that Jesus said, “And every one that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life.”We have had the Lord do so many wonderful and miraculous things for us through the years as a missionary. He has given us places to stay! He has brought support through the most unusual means and ways. He has paid for repairs on our vehicles when we did not ask anyone to do it and many more wonderful things. He truly grants favor for those who leave their native land in a special way that only our Lord and Savior can do for those who follow Him with an obedient heart.
I remember one year that Janet and I had returned to the US and had not been back very long and someone called us and ask if we would consider using their home and pool for several weeks while they went on vacation. They left their home to us and told us to enjoy it as we would our own. I remember sitting in a very cushy lazy boy type recliner and hearing the voice of the Lord as he said, “this was his provision for us.” He had again provided a really wonderful home with all of the furnishings as well as food that was generously proposed to us. As I sat in this chair the Holy Spirit came over me and I just wanted to lift my hands in praise and adoration to the Lord.
If God is calling you to a foreign land or people that you have little or no understanding of or information about and you feel somewhat intimidated about going and you think that it is almost an impossible task for you to do, then I strongly recommend that you get to know your Covenant Partner, Jesus, and the Covenant of His Word before you go!
You may not have all of the answers or even the supply that you feel that you need to accomplish what you sense that Jesus is calling you to do in that place, however if you ‘know Him’ and the power of His resurrection and are willing to fellowship with him in the likeness of his suffering, then begin now to fully allow Him full reign in your life.
For many of you it will seem like a plunge! For others of you it will seem more like 1 step of obedience and then another, then another. The important thing is to continue following him, for Jesus will not disappoint, leave nor forsake you in any part of your journey with and for Him. It will be a journey of faith, I can assure you.
The more you lay of Christ’s foundation in your life through fellowship and prayer as well as through the Covenant of His Word, the more you will discover that He is not only able to be the ‘All-ness of the Much-ness’ in your life but is also more than willing to be and do more than you can ask or think!
Father's Heart Archives:
What Is Missing In The Church Today? (Parts 1-7)
The Value of the Storm (Parts 1, 2, 3)
Spiritual Maturity (Parts 1-10)
Nuggets From the Father's Heart
Choose Your Relationships Prayerfully!
Hinderances To Faith for Healing and Others
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