New Life House Ministries

- A ministry to street children -


We became aquainted with Leif and Suzanne Madsen (photo 1 below) when we first arrived in Kenya. Their New Life House Ministries houses 23 boys of different ages (photos 3 and 4) . The boys reside together under sheltered chircimstances in which they experience an atmosphere of harmony, love, understanding and care for each individual. These boys have all come from very tough and poor conditions; Several have come right off the streets where they had lived from hand to mouth.

In connection with the ministry, they run a Leather Workshop where the boys learn how to sew bags, book covers, repair shoes and many other things. They also run a carpentry workshop where fine beds, tables and other things are being built.

There is also a sewing school for girls. Twenty girls are currently attending the sewing school and are entered for a public examination which will give them the possibility of a future job in that trade.

Additionally, there isa daily feeding of 200 children that come to the school each day and receive a meal, teaching and adult social contact. They can play games, sing songs, and listen to biblical stories. The school is free and only intended for children who come from the street or from very poor families. (The school is now bursting at the seams, as can be seen in photo 2).

Without this teaching ministry there is no possibility for future education for these children. We are letting people know of this ministry because we know the integrity of Leif and Suzanne, and also that some people would like to invest in these children's lives, but aren't sure that what they give would reach the purpose of their giving. Their email address is: for those who wish to contact them further.

- Click each photo to view full size -

From Left to Right:

1. Leif and Suzanne Madsen with Gary
2. The children assembled for school
3. Street boys staying at New Life House
4. Street boys at New Life House
5. Feeding the children
6. During a service
7. Outside the school building with Leif, Suzanne, and Janet

Below: Meals being prepared for the children

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