These past months find us continually working here in the Lord’s Vineyard, sowing His Word in hearts and trusting the Holy Spirit to bring fruit from each opportunity that we teach and preach His Word.We have, as most of you know, changed the priority of what we are doing, from ministering in a different church each week to ministering to pastors and leaders. This is what we have endeavored to do by the grace of God. Still there are many who do not want to come together because of jealousy, tribal difference, competition and doctrinal opposition.
Gary taught in August of this year at Springs of Life, a local Bible college, for three weeks on Christian counseling as well as ministering at two churches and was a teacher in a 3 day pastors/wives conference in Nyhururu. August was a very busy month for us as we had several missionary couples over as well as a pastor and his wife from the states. Janet also went to Webuye to minister in her first outing alone and came back exhausted and a bit discouraged by the lack of planning.
In September a former missionary, Arthur Leis, came to visit us from the States for 1 ½ months and to minister both here in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. We had a good visit, but Arthur was tired and needed his rest most of the time. He is a blessing both in the States and Kenya where he has previously spent over 40 years.
Gary ministered at Pastor Opicho's All Nations in October and we attended a Bible graduation in Nyhururu on the 14th.
Photo left: Arthur Leis in center, with pastors - Photo right: All Nations congregation
We went to Nandi Hills, a beautiful place, very green inside a tea plantation where we ministered to 17 different denominational pastors. These included Anglican, Catholic, Baptist, Assembly of God, and many more that we had never heard of before. Gary had a special time with the Pastors and Janet ministered to the ladies and some others in the church. We had a good 3 day meeting in Nandi Hills and they want us to return again when we can come.
Photo left: Alter call at Nandi Hills - Photo right: Pastors recieve material and instruction
We left for Bungoma immediately after Nandi Hills and were to be there for 7 days. The Pastor informed me that the church was only 2 Kilometers outside of town on good road. When we finally arrived in Bungoma town, we drove 3 Kilometers then turned right and went into the country on bad roads for 10 Kilometers. They were not prepared for us and we left after 3 meetings. We also got stuck on the first day as it started to rain and we could not turn around because the road that we were traveling on turned into a narrow path. (Right: Worship in Bugoma)
This is why we are trusting the Lord for our 4 wheel drive vehicle to be restored or replaced! Thanks so much for praying with us about this matter. It is of utmost importance in rainy season that we have a 4 wheel drive vehicle for these terrible roads. We were even stopped on the way back on the Kericho trip and asked by the police to have our government help them fix the roads! Can you imagine.
We traveled to Kericho for a couple days off, to play some golf and see two pastors from Happy Church Denomination who are going to start a library in their church. Pastor Kemei is in the rural and Pastor Deus is in the town of Kericho. They were both grateful for the good start for a church library.
Below: Gary with Pastor Deus; Janet with Pastor Kemei
We enjoyed the beautiful golf course although it was green and very slow because of the rains. One monkey picked up one of the balls that Gary hit and ran up a tree. Janet took her hat off and waved it at the monkey and it threw the ball down, believe or not!
Don't mess with my ball; I don't need that kind of help!
We do believe that targeting the pastors and leaders is the way to impact Kenya. The 90% that sit on the pews on Sunday morning are not acting on what they hear due to the irresponsibility and lack of integrity of those who are in a position of leadership in the church.We are still trusting the Lord for the trip to India some time early next year. The communication is very slow in coming from Joshi, the man whom we were to work with there. We believe that God is calling us to go and strengthen the leaders there and to impart what he gives to us to exhort, comfort and build up His body in India. Please continually pray for this trip and for the will of the Lord to be done. We sincerely believe that God is going to pour out His Spirit on those who here the Word of God and strengthen that which he has started.
We also have our court case coming up just two days before Thanksgiving, we are trusting the Lord for a ruling and that the mechanic that did the bad work and sabotage will show up for the court hearing. Thanks for praying about this and lifting us up in prayer.
A special holiday prayer and greeting to each of you and your family this special time of year when we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. May your hearts continually be filled with the Thanksgiving, praise and adoration of Christ our Savior and Deliverer of those who trust in him and believe upon him. May he continually be the center of each of our lives and bring enablement an enrichment to that which God has called each of you to do for His Glory in the earth.
We are continually giving thanks to the Lord for your sacrificial giving and uplifting prayers that strengthen us while we are here in Kenya. Words cannot express our deep appreciation for all that you have enabled us to do for the work of the Lord. May the Lord continually bless and keep each of you until we see you next year in the fall.
Blessings from Kenya.
Gary & Janet Priem
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