JULY 2001
On July 1st we were at All Nations Worship Center where Pastor Opicho who we have known for 5 years had asked Gary to come and minister 2 times while he was gone to the U.S. Gary taught on "Love" and the people were blessed. We have known this pastor and Church since 1995 and we feel at home there.July 7th Janet was supposed to minister to the Apostolic Faith Church ladies, but it was canceled due to a funeral of one of the Church members. When there is a death in one of the Churches all of the other Churches of that denomination try to go to the funeral.
July 8th Gary taught at Abundant Life Church where Pastor Makichi, who is from Zimbabwe, introduced Gary as "Dr. Priem fireworks". Gary spoke on "3 ways to succeed" and the altar was full at the end of the service. We had one man that could not read because of partial blindness. It was reported to us recently by someone that is assisting Pastor Makichi that this man had just stood up in recent Sunday service and testified that God had healed him and he could see with no problem. We are praising God for His goodness and His mercy in this man's life.
Alter call at Abundant Life Church.
July 13-15 We were supposed to hold a 3-day conference in Nandi Hills, but the Pastor called the day before and said that it was cancelled due to bookings for the place the meeting was to be held. Since this Sunday meeting was cancelled it gave us a chance to visit one of the local Churches and be ministered to.We have had many meetings with Pastors this month to talk about the needs of their Churches. We will be returning to the U.S. late September and we will be putting these needs out to the people we come in contact with to see what the Lord will do to meet them. We told these Pastors that they need to trust God to meet their needs, not the people of the U.S. God uses people to accomplish what He wants done, but one thing we have to be careful about here in Kenya is to keep pointing the people to God for their needs, not man. The thinking here is that every American is rich, so we have to do a lot of teaching to help them to realize that God loves them and He wants to meet their needs but there is a part that they must do also. They must learn to trust Him and also become self-sufficient.
July 21st we had a Youth Rally where Gary taught on Praise & Worship. After a time of teaching it began to rain and it was so loud on the tin roof that the youth could not hear so we put into practice what they had been taught. They Praised and Worshiped for a little over an hour and we all went home blessed. Most of the youth were weeping and ministering unto the Lord.
Youth Rally
July 22nd We were at Testimony Church where Gary taught on the Covenant of God. The Pastor, James Asuma, is trying to start a new concept for the Kenyans and that is to give to a missionary instead of the missionary giving to the Kenyans. He presented Gary with 300 Kenyan shillings. We have taught a lot on giving and receiving to teach them the principles of God for meeting their needs. We are always thankful when we see fruit for our labor in the Kenyans lives.We made three trips to Nairobi on "Death Highway" (that is what the Kenyan's call this road between Nakuru and Nairobi due to so many people being killed in accidents). We had to go to acquire our work permits, re-entry permits and our Alien's passes before our return to the U.S. We were successful in each endeavor.
July 27-29th We had another 3-day teaching seminar in Molo with Pastor Samuel Mwangi. We gave many books out to the Church while Gary taught on Giving & Receiving. The Pastor and the Church said they were blessed by the teaching that we did and want us to come again ("karibu tena" in Swahili). We are learning the language little by little. When we returned from Molo on Sunday we dedicated a Church magazine at Pastor Makichi's. We were very tired when we got home, but very fulfilled.
Praying for the sick in Molo.
Next month we will be preparing to come back to the U.S. for furlough in September.
One neighbor, just outside of our compound, living in a one room, small wooden structure, was recently murdered while on his job as a night watchman. They had what they call here a mourning week which lasted 2 weeks. During this time the widow (according to custom) must sleep with her dead husband one last night. We heard much mourning and weeping throughout the nights. There were also many religious services which lasted until the morning just outside our bedroom window.
We are finding that not everyone that says they are saved, or are pastoring a Church, ministering in an office of the five-fold gifts, or are leaders in a Church are even born again, much less filled with the Spirit of God. These truly are the last days as Paul spoke to Timothy about men becoming lovers of self, pleasures and money. They will be "arrogant, revilers, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, malicious gossips without self-control and haters of good", etc. This is definitely what we are seeing here in Kenya as of late, or maybe we are just seeing the reality of the heart and nature of man. (II Tim. 3:1-5)
Please pray and give thanks to God for these families this month, for without their support and prayers we would not be able to accomplish the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ......
The families of:
Reeves, Saints at I Am Alive Bible Church, Carlisle, Spain, Prather, Saints at Faith Church, Wilson, Akins, Campbell, Gagne, Saints at Word of Life, Smith, Jones, Powell, Saints at Beachside Christian Fellowship, Saints at First Assembly of God, Hand, Miller, Atkins, and Neff.Thanks be to God for His indescribable Gift of Love through your sacrifices of giving, service, and prayers on our behalf. Receive our thanks and His reward.
In His Service & Love,
Gary & Janet
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