We wanted to bring each of you up to date as to what the Lord has been doing through Janet and I while we have been in the states. We have just returned from Pennsylvania after ministering to several churches there. We had a very good trip, ministering in several locations.First we ministered in a place known as the Grange. It has been called that for some time now and I am not sure the origin of the name, but it has now been turned into a bible training center by Pastor Ron Burkett, his wife Roxanne, his staff and team of ministers. They offer this place to those whom they desire to come and minister to his church and to the body of Christ. It is not just for his local church, as they have opened it up to the other local churches as well.
At any rate, Gary ministered the Word of God there on the evening of the 28th of April on the subject, 'The shaking has begun.' This message was given by the Lord to Gary some two years ago before returning to the US. However it is believed to be very relevant to what is going on at the present time and especially in the US. This message was the first in a series to the local church in PA to prepare them for what the Lord is going to do in the earth and moreover in the US, in these last days.
On the 2nd of May we again visited the Grange, where Gary ministered on the Day of Visitation. I believe that it is a timely message for the Body of Christ, as many times we do not recognize, or put, any significance to the dreams, words of wisdom, visions, or divine words that God speaks to each of us and to the Body of Christ upon the earth. The message was well received.
On the 3rd of May, Gary ministered on the subject of 'Fact or Truth'. This message is one of many which the Lord has given to Gary to help prepare the Body of Christ for what they see and experience. We are told to 'walk by faith not by sight'. This means that we must believe the Truth that Jesus and others in the Word of God have spoken to us. Jesus said that the Truth would set us free, so we need to believe the Truth rather than fear what is coming upon the church and the whole world.
On the 4th of May, Gary spoke a message once again, in the Grange on 'Preparing the body for the End times.' This was the theme that the Holy Spirit was trying to speak to our hearts throughout this entire 10 days. Truly, if there has ever been a time that the church needs to be awakened to what the Spirit of the Lord has said in times past and to what He is saying again, now is the time for the church to be ready for both persecution and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
On the 5th of May Gary showed a cd of Perry Stone, concerning end time events. The session was very well attended and everyone enjoyed his ministry.
On the following Sunday, Janet and I went to Falls Creek Church, where Pastor Harold and Nancy Hills are residing ministers. We so much enjoyed our time with them and the church there. On Sunday morning we showed some pictures of ministry in Kenya, India, and Ethiopia. Nations where the Lord has led us in recent years. It was well received with only a few questions. In the main service Gary ministered on preparing for the end times.
After the service, we went for lunch at the Hill's home and then on to several nursing homes for the elderly in which Pastor ministered to them simple truths about Jesus Christ.
We really enjoyed our stay in PA. A special thanks to Janet's brother Bill Heatherdale and his wife Ileane, who graciously allowed us to stay in their home while we were ministering in PA. We also visited with her brothers and other relatives as well and enjoyed their renewed friendship and fellowship.
The Lord continues to open doors here in AL for the ministry of His Word. Gary has been ministering on Wednesday nights on the Anointing for the last three weeks and started the message two weeks prior to that. God is faithful to bring His truth to His people every where, to those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.
A special thanks to those who continue supporting us so that we may bring the Word of God to the church of God in the US, whereever the Lord may lead and guide Janet and I. You are still making possible the hearing of Word of God, so that faith my rise in the heart of the men and women everywhere and that they might believe the scriptures and be informed to the will of God in these last days.
We thank each of you for your continued support as an Itinerant minister, who desires to please the Lord and to go where ever and say whatever he gives me for the body of Christ upon the earth. If you know of anyone who desires this type of ministry, please inform them of our ministry.If anyone reading this on the web would desire that we come to your church or training center, please contact us and we would be more than happy to pray concerning the trip and ministry you desire.
May God richly bless each of you today as you serve and seek His face.
Reverend Gary Priem
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