Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy endureth forever and ever. We are giving thanks unto the Lord for all that He is doing and has done in our lives and ministry here in Kenya. The month of May and June was a very prosperous for the Kingdom of God here and we are continually trusting the Lord for more and more fruit to be realized.
Pastor Machariah and wife
On the 5th of May, Gary preached at Pastor Machariah’s fellowship, Greater Shakinah Glory Church and concluded the message on Prevailing Faith. The Spirit of God moved mightily through 2 prophecies that came forth to the body that day. Many came to the altar of God to be changed by Him and His Spirit.
On the 8th of May, Gary ministered at the Holy Spirit Revival Centre to the youth at an evening service to conclude a message on “how to keep your body under.”
On the 11th of May we left for Kapsebet, Kenya which is about 3 hours away to minister at Pastor Maina’s Church (photo right: Pastor Maina, wife and son). In the evening we ministered to the leaders of the A.F.M. Church there, and passed out tracts and ministry books that would encourage them in the ministry and work of the Lord. On Sunday morning service Gary ministered on the Covenant of God, and many came to the Altar and received healing. One notable healing that took place was that the Pastors wife, Grace Maina, was healed after 13 years of a hip disorder after giving birth to triplets. The church there was very encouraged and has planned to have us back in September of this year.
Pastor Maina's A F M Church.
On the 18th of May we left for Nanyuki, which is about 3 ˝ hours from Nakuru our home town here. In the afternoon Gary spoke to the ladies of the Apostolic Faith Mission Church on “foundational faith.” On the same evening Gary spoke to the church on Faith in God and passed out books to strengthen the church. On Sunday morning Gary ministered again on Prevailing Faith and the church was challenged to a greater step of faith in believing God for their needs to be met.Pastor Gitama's Apostolic Faith Mission Church. First photo is with Pastor Gitama and elders.
On the 22nd of May, Gary started teaching again after the college break on the Doctrine of Healing. We took some time off at the end of the month and went to Masi Mara, which is about 5 hours away, at the invitation of some friends and missionaries here with us in Kenya. We really enjoyed our overnight there seeing a den of lions and other animals as well as enjoying the company of many guest from Denmark and Norway who had come to Kenya on a visit.
Masi Mara lions
In June, we started off by ministering at Glorious Church Ministries here in a suburb of Nakuru on the 1st. The meeting was a youth rally at Pastor David Kariuki’s fellowship. The youth was challenged to a committed walk unto the Lord. On the 2nd, Gary ministered at Pastor David Masumba’s church for the Sunday School meeting, and also for the main service. The message was well received as the altar was full with heavy hearts coming to receive and their needs met.
On the 8th of June, we left for Nairobi for a weeks meeting with Pastor George Thiongo of the East African Pentecostal Church. This church is located in the heart of the slums, where Pastor Thiongo has been called to minister to the poor and destitute. Janet ministered on the evening of the 8th concerning issues of the heart. On the 9th, Janet and I both ministered on 2 services, never leaving the grounds of the Church. On Monday through Saturday Gary ministered during lunch hours services at downtown Nairobi in two different places. On each of the evenings, there was teaching to the church on the Power of God, Faith, the Covenant, and Giving and Receiving. On the 16th Janet ministered three times and Gary ministered twice as we concluded our week of meetings.Pastor George and family
Nairobi Right: Services in Nairobi
Bottom: Nairobi slums
We stayed with Pastor George and his lovely family, who graciously shared with us of all that they had. The congregation gave us an offering before we left, and it was graciously received. We returned to Nakuru on the 17th and Gary continued at the Njoro Bible College on Wednesday on the Healing Doctrine.
On the 20th of June, we left for Kisii, which is about 3 ˝ hours away on some really bad road. We had 4 days of meetings at Bishop Masenge’s, Ambassadors For Christ Church, which was very profitable for the Kingdom of God. There was teaching during the day, and ministry at night as well. Some days, there were as many as 4 sessions that ministry went out. Janet ministered to the ladies several times and encouraged them to submit themselves to their husbands as unto the Lord. Gary also had two services at the Kereri Secondary Girls School, where Bishop Masenge’s wife Ann is the Principal. On the 23rd, we concluded with a Sunday service and celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ and over 2000 were present from at least 10 other schools. The mighty Holy Spirit drew over 30 young people, from the ages of 14 to 22 to Himself and there was much celebration. In addition, there were between 150 & 200 youth who also came forward to be prayed for, for various needs. (Pictures below)
We are currently fixing the vehicle which is in need of repair because of the bad roads here in Kenya. The suspension on the vehicle needed attention, as well as a battery replacement just to mention a few things.The Lord continues to be faithful through your prayers and giving in and through His work here in Kenya. Though the work here is very difficult at times, it is also rewarding as we see the fruits of our labor and your faithfulness resulting in the lives of the people of Kenya being changed. Thanks be unto God for his bountiful gifts of love through all of you.
- Continued prayer for others to join with us in this ministry in prayer and support.
- We are still seeking sponsors for the Students at the Njoro Bible College.
- Materials to distribute to the Pastors and Leaders of Kenya, such as bibles, concordances, study books and Sunday School material.
- We are in need of a copy machine also.
- We have been invited to South Africa next year, in January, for a lecturers meeting with the Director of Africa Missions, to discuss and plan for the work here in Kenya. Air fare will be a factor if we are to attend.
(Please Click Here to view our Ministry Needs page)
1. Janet showing how to use curriculum. (This is the last of the Sunday School material we had, so we are trusting the Lord for more)
2. Presenting Pastor Machariah with Sunday school curriculum that he had prayed for, about two or three years ago.
3. Presenting teaching materials to Pastor George and wife.![]()
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Gary & Janet Priem
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