We bring you greetings and God’s blessing from Kenya, Africa where God is enriching the earth with both the natural rain and also the Supernatural rain of His Holy Spirit.
After walking and taking public transport (Matatu’s) for over a year, we have received God’s provision for our prayer request for transportation. We purchased in March of this year a Pajero, 4 wheel drive vehicle for the ministry of His work. Since we have received the vehicle we have made several repairs to it. It has been made road worthy since the middle of April.In the middle of April we launched out again towards the work of the ministry having finished repairs on the vehicle. We went to Busia, which is on the border of Uganda and Kenya. In this town we attended a large ordination service with many churches present. Gary was asked to speak to the congregation and the candidates about the responsibility of a Pastor.
On the 15th ,we traveled to Mirangine to minister to a Holy Spirit Revival Centre Church with Pastor Njora. The road was so bad that we had to drive beside it, up a long winding mountain for about 12 miles which took about an hour. The Church was very receptive to God’s Word and very glad to see us. Many stood by their seats (because there was no room at the altar) to receive healing and other needs from the Lord as we prayed. Several came forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and to be restored.
On the 23rd – 27th we ministered at a regional ladies meeting in Nyahururu, Kenya. Lives were touched the whole week as God’s Spirit was evident. One lady came after the service to share with Gary about several tragedies that she and her families had undergone. Afterwards, Gary gave God’s Word to her and her countenance changed and hope flooded her being.
In May, we visited Faith Victory Centre for a Youth Rally in an area called Sewage. There were about 7 churches represented there with their pastors and youth. Gary taught on Giving & Receiving and throughout the service gave study books, devotional books, and other inspirational books. Pastor Njorge, the host, was really encouraged over the books and the Word which was given to the youth.
On the 4th and 5th of May we attended a Leaders Regional Seminar at Njoro. We had 2 packed days of teaching the leaders of the Apostolic Faith Church. The Regional Overseer and the Leaders were so moved by the Spirit of God’s Word that many invitations came as a result.
On the 6th we went to Makuyu, a place about 3 ½ hours from Nakuru, just on the other side of Nairobi. Again the 4 wheel drive came in handy because of the bad roads. It was another successful outing with the altar being filled with hearts ready to receive. One came forward to rededicate his life and another one received Jesus as her personal Savior.
On the 13th we stayed in Nakuru area ministering in 2 services at Holy Spirit Revival Centre. There were 3 who received Jesus as Lord and there was a strong move of the Spirit of God, especially with the youth in the first service.
On the 20th we traveled to Molo to Pastor Samuel Mwangi’s Church. The church received much encouragement and 15 responded to the message. We were immediately invited to return in July for a 3 day teaching seminar. The pastor recognized the need for his church to be taught and not to just hear the Word preached which was their custom.
We closed out the month at Pastor Asuma’s Church in a suburb of Nakuru called London. They were happy to have us and wanted us to come to their church once a month.
What we have heard from the local pastors here is a great cry for their people to be taught Biblically about the principals and blessings within the Kingdom of God.
We hope that you have enjoyed this update from Kenya on what the Lord is doing here. May you be encouraged knowing that the Lord is no respecter of persons or countries, but wishes that all men come unto Him and that each one prosper and be in health even as their soul prospers. (3rd John 2)
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Gary & Janet Priem
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