April - May 2003
Greetings in Jesus Name,
After experiencing draught here in Kenya for a few months, we have recently been experiencing flooding and an abundance of rain that is so desperately needed. The problem is that there isn’t any provision for this abundance of rain when it comes. As you see in the picture, water just comes down the mountainside with no restrictions or help from the Government or city council to stop it from eroding the streets or countryside. A lot of places in Kenya have been experiencing flooding and many people in the Lodwar area, as well as Turkana area, died and many others lost everything that they had. (Click here for another picture)
We started out the month of April by Gary ministering at Pastor Reuben Oduori’s Vineyard Church in the morning service. He spoke on “To surrender; what does it really mean?” About twenty people came down to surrender their lives afresh to the Lord (There is not just one altar in our lives when we give our heart and lives to the Lord, but many altars as the Holy Spirit draws us closer to God).
Ministering at Vinyard Church
In the afternoon of the 6th of April Gary taught on “Prayer” at the Asian Church, “Naya Jeevan Sanghat” (photo left), which means New Life Fellowship. He taught for five weeks on Sunday afternoons, April 6 through May 11th. Then he ministered on Tuesday evenings for six weeks and answered questions they had about prayer.
On the 18th of April Gary had the privilege to baptize five Asian believers. This baptism took place at an Asian run hospital swimming pool. It was the first time Gary baptized in a pool instead of a stream. One of the ladies came out of the water baptized in the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in other tongues. The people who witnessed the baptism asked her if she was cold because she was shaking all over, but she testified, “It was the Spirit of God all over me”. ( Click here for a photo of the Asian congregation with their newly baptized members)The Lord is doing many wonderful things in the Asian Community here. We have been ministering to an Asian couple since the year 2000, who were our neighbors at the time, and answering a lot of questions. The man had something happen that we can’t explain except that God sent him a message to get his attention on his mobile phone, by using our mobile phone number. He called us to thank us for the SMS (short message service) that he received on his mobile from us with two scripture verses. We told him that we didn’t send a message with scriptures to him. One of the scriptures was Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you”, and the other one was in Romans concerning salvation. Gary asked him what he felt in his heart when he read the scriptures and he said, “It was as though God was speaking directly to me”. We believe that the Lord has a very powerful call on this man's life to minister to other Asians. Please lift him and his wife and their two daughters up to the Lord for revelation knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Since the Asians are very private people we will not put his name here, but God knows who he is and how to speak to his heart.
The other mobile phone call that he received from us was a song playing for about four minutes. We were in a teaching meeting at Pastor Ford’s and Gary was teaching at the time they said they received the call. Our mobile phone was on the table in front of Janet and no one touched it. Even if they would have punched the button accidentally, they would have had to press it twice and then this means that the mobile number would have had to have been the last number previously dialed from our mobile. It was not the last number. We went over to see them after Gary finished teaching and they wanted to know what song was it and the words to the song that we called to give them. We told them that we were in a meeting and that we had not called them. Gary checked the last number dialed from our phone and it was to a pastor here in Nakuru. We are in awe at what measures the Lord will use to get someone's attention. Most Asians are looking for a sign to believe. What a sign this has been!
On the 23rd – 26th of April Gary taught 6 times to rural pastors in a seminar at Pastor Ford’s Filidelfia Church. He was only supposed to have two days for two sessions each day, to teach, but Pastor Ford scheduled him for two more days. This is the third time Gary has ministered at Pastor Ford’s seminars and he is scheduled to teach again at the next one in August. Pastor Ford holds these seminars twice a year to help the rural pastors to be able to grow in the Lord. They presented Gary with a certificate of appreciation afterwards.
Pastor Ford's Seminar, Filidelfia Church
April 20th & 27th Gary ministered again at the Vineyard Church on “What is in your hand, mouth and heart”. The people’s eyes were opened to looking at what they have instead of what they don’t have (The devil always wants us to look at the negative instead of the positive).Gary also ministered at the Vineyard Church on the 4th of May on “Prevailing Faith”. Pastor Reuben Odwori said that he, as well as his people, had gotten a lot out of the teachings and told us to come back any time. They are arranging for a couples meeting that they want us to come and teach.
May 10th we went to a Kenyan pastor's wedding, Pastor Daniel Amakobe of Word of Life Community Church (photo right). It was supposed to start at 10am, but because of local traditions it started at 1pm. We were asked to pronounce a blessing on the new couple so we stayed until 5:45pm just after the blessing. We will be ministering at Pastor Daniel’s Church in June.
Janet did some counseling on the 23rd of May to an Asian lady who had been hurt in the church and on the 26th to another Asian lady who had some problems in a relationship. They are both doing fine now and we praise God for His good counsel!!!
Gary ministered on “Honoring the Word and the Covenant” to a new Church, Pastor Humphrey Merande’s Trinity Celebration Centre, on the 18th of May. The pastor and elders took us to lunch and told us that they wanted to set up a four day teaching seminar in June.
Trinity Celebration Centre
We appreciate your prayers and support for helping us to accomplish what God has given us to do here in Kenya. May God richly bless you as you continue doing what He has called you to do for His Kingdom.In Christ’s Service & Love,
Rev. Gary & Janet
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