June - September 2003
We have had a wonderful year here in Kenya, concluding with these last three months. At the end of September we will be returning to the U.S. for a few months for a time of rest, visits with family and friends, as well as ministry in the states. We are also expecting some profitable meetings for future support as this is much needed when we return in February to continue the work of God here in Kenya. Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and speak in the U.S. these next few months.
In the month of June we enjoyed baptizing between 15-20 candidates from a local fellowship at Pastor Bonanza Wanjiku’s church. We also ministered at her church to the local community during lunch hour meetings, which are open to the public from 1:15 P.M. until 2:00 P.M., from the 16th thru the 20th.
Baptising new believers (below). Two more photos can be viewed HERE and HERE.
On the 2nd of June we ministered at Pastor Eric Muyeiya’s Church to his couples on marriage and the family and many questions were asked in response to the ministry and Word of God.
Pastor Eric Muyeiya and wife
Couples meeting on marriage
We were at Trinity Celebration Centre from the 19th thru the 22nd ministering in the church of Pastor Humphrey & Felistus Marandes. Some topics we ministered on were "Concerning ways to succeed", "Anointing & Glory", "Giving and Receiving", as well as "What are you doing with what is in your hand".
Ministering at Trinity Celebration Centre (below).
On Sunday the 29th, at Pastor Daniel and Maureen Amakobe’s fellowship we ministered on “What is in your hand?” (Click Here to view a photo), and again in the afternoon we ministered on “You are unique” to the youth.We began July ministering for Charismata Church with an “Open air Meeting” in Uhuru Park, which is located in the center of Nakuru Town. Gary ministered five days. Many came forward each service for prayer concerning various needs, and several for salvation. The main theme for the week was about the “New Covenant”.
Open air meeting in Uhuru Park
We again continued ministering locally at Pastor Job Josiah’s at Jesus Celebration Centre on the “Promised Land.”
We had several unexpected, but welcomed, guests in July that stayed with us. One was a fellow missionary, Herman Steinkamp from S.A., who we used to work with in the Njoro Bible College, who was passing through Nairobi-Nakuru area. We enjoyed a round of golf together and although he hit the ball like Tiger Woods on the drive, I managed to barely beat him with the chipping and putting game. It was a great time! Then too, we had a friend, Bishop Mesenge & Ann his wife (photo right) from Kisii who had an emergency operation on his appendix and stayed with us from the 18th thru the 28th, as Janet became nurse and I helped with the hosting. It was a time of iron sharpening iron, as they are exactly our age and much experienced in the Lord Jesus.
We concluded the Sunday ministry for July at Trinity Fellowship, ministering on “Our Conscience” as one received Jesus, two were healed, and five came for various other needs and saw the Lord Jesus do miracles in their lives.
We concluded the month as two other U.S. missionaries, Beverly and Hugh Gault, came from Muhuroni to receive some TLC ("Tender Love & Care”).
On the 3rd of August we ministered at Bishop Evan's fellowship, who pastors locally in Nakuru. Gary spoke on “When Disaster Strikes”. The Spirit of God continued to be faithful and ministered to many hearts and lives as the people came in faith to meet the Lord. The pastor said that “It is a timely message for the congregation.”
On the 5th Gary started teaching at All Nation's Springs of Life Bible School, for Pastor Jotham Opicho who was in the U.S. ministering to several different churches in various states. Gary ministered for three weeks on the subject of the “Covenant”. The men and women who sat underneath the teaching expressed how they were moved by what they heard the Spirit of God say to them individually and collectively.
Students of Springs of Life Bible School
On the 17th we ministered at Pastor Chris Otieno’s at two different sessions. The morning session was on “Lighting the Fire Again”, while the second service was on “When disaster strikes”. Several came to be filled with the Spirit of God, while others came for various needs for their lives.
Hello from Pastor Otieno's congregation! Click HERE and HERE to view two more photos.
The Gaults came to Nakuru to visit with us again for a few days to get some needed information for their work permits and other ministry information. We all enjoyed each other's company and look forward to seeing each other again in November as we anticipate being in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that month.We concluded the month ministering at Pastor Adagala’s Church at Christian Revival Centre. Gary ministered on “Times and Seasons”, as the Spirit of God poured out a fresh revelation on the hearts of many. There were many who came to be healed, as well as delivered from the bondage of Satan. Others came for prayers of agreement, and several to be filled with the Spirit of God and a stronger commitment to the Lord.
Pastor Adagala and wife
Christian Revival Centre. Click HERE for another photo
We had our ministry meeting of MTTWC here in Kenya on the 1st of September and have begun to prepare for leaving on the 16th of September. We also had another missionary, Paul Anderson come and stay with us for several days and we again enjoyed some American fellowship here before returning to the U.S.Thank you for your interest and prayers as together we enlarge and impact the Kingdom of God.
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Rev. Gary & Janet
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