October 2003 - February 2004
We are back in Kenya after a four month U.S. trip. Our flight back was a smooth one, with God's grace toward us the entire trip. We are now settling in once again to contine our work for the Lord here. We want to express our much appreciated thanks for all of your love, support and prayers over the past few years. We count all of you of great value to the Work and ministry that we do here in Kenya!
------------------------------------------- We had many miracles happen on the way back to Kenya: First, we didn't have to pay for the extra box. We also made it to our second flight out of Amsterdam even though our plane from Orlando was an hour and a half late leaving. Then, the lady in Amsterdam told us that our bags would not be able to go with us since we just got there in time to board the plane, as we ran through the airport to get there - When we got to Nairobi we discovered our bags were on the same flight as we were due to the plane in Amsterdam being delayed for an hour because some passengers that were boarded wanted immunity and they had to hold the plane and get their bags off (which made time for our bags to be put on). PRAISE THE LORD!!!
We had continually been busy in Kenya prior to our U.S. leave, ministering in many different churches on Sundays; as well as through the week, local bible colleges and in seminars as the Lord has led and given opportunity.Some of the meetings that we have done in Kenya include baptizing between 15 and 20 candidates from a local fellowship at Pastor Bonanza Wanjiku’s.
We were also at Trinity Celebration Centre (below) ministering in the church of Pastor Humphrey Marandes. Some topics we ministered on were Concerning ways to succeed", " The Anointing and "Giving and Receiving".
We ministered again at Pastor Chris Otieno’s at two different sessions. The morning session was on “Lighting the Fire Again”, while the second service was on “When disaster strikes”. Several came to be filled with the Spirit of God, while others came for various needs for their lives (pictured below).
Gary started teaching at All Nation's Springs of Life Bible School, for Pastor Jotham Opicho who was in the U.S. ministering to churches in various states. Gary ministered for three weeks on the subject of the “Covenant”. The men and women who sat underneath the teaching expressed how they were moved by what they heard the Spirit of God say to them individually and collectively.
------------------------------------------- STATESIDE TRAVEL..............
After returning to the U. S. we began to travel and raise support for the work in Kenya. (We so much appreciate all of your gifts of love, hospitality, and support upon our return trip and also while we traveled in the US, so that we could be effective for the four months of our leave).We began our stateside travel nine days after we arrived in Florida on the 17th of September. We traveled to Melbourne Florida and then continued North to Pennsylvania where we spent three weeks ministering at Smithtown Community Church, Faith Church of Christ, and Halton Church. The PA trip also included a week's ministry at Pastor Harold Hill's Missionary conference where we ministered to all age groups and were blessed and a blessing. In addition to the churches mentioned above Gary also ministered to two local ladies groups that had invited us to come.
We then went to Tennessee where we spent one week and enjoyed the mountains and a much needed rest and relaxation.
We continued on to Kentucky, where we spent a few days with our daughter Deana and husband Darron. We stayed in KY where we attended a three day missions conference with World Missions & Evangelism at Christian Fellowship Ministries.
We spent the next week in the Tulsa OK area where we visited Hope Of Glory Church pastored by Joe and Margaret Reeves. Then ending up our travel, we went to Louisiana where we spent several days with family and friends.
We then returned to the Orlando area and visited with some of you and concluded the last days with some ministry meetings and other necessary work before returning to Kenya.Because of the Lord's blessings and your generosity, we have been much blessed in our stay and travel throughout the U.S. We want to express our gratitude and thanks to each of you who made the trip a huge success through your prayers, gifts, finances, and last but not least, your hospitality. You have enabled us to return to Kenya to continue His ministry. Thank you all for making Missions to the World a huge success both in the U.S. and in Kenya, Africa!
Blessings in 2004,
with His Peace & Love,
Janet & Gary Priem
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