Well, we have settled in now after coming back to Kenya and finding much the same as we had left. We have had water problems for a while, not to mention trying to get our telephone turned back on and up to date. We also had quite a bit of work to do on cleaning the house when we came back to Kenya. Even though we had someone volunteer and come in to clean up some, just before we returned, it was very dusty and took some time to clean after five months of being in the U.S.We have received one of the two mail -bags that we had sent here from the U.S. that contained ministry books for leaders, Pastors and church members who the Lord directs us to sow to in Kenya. The other has not yet arrived after some five months of waiting for it.
Shortly after arriving we were again the proud grandparents of our first grandbaby boy! Praise the Lord! Cayden came on the 7th of April of this year and both baby and mom and now doing fine. Thanks for your prayers for them.
We have submitted the paper work for our new work permits under another ministry here in Kenya. The old permits are expiring in August of this year, so we have begun the process of application for the new ones. Please pray concerning this issue and believe with us for the favor and quick approval of them.
We have had many trying situations here since returning. One of them, the computer we had, needed to be looked at for some problems that it was having. We have had to update the processor and also the harddrive, and motherboard, but God is faithful who provides all our needs!
We began ministering on March 7th here in Kenya at Gospel Evangelistic Church of Kenya. Pastor John Macharia and his wife Ruth had invited us to come when we were about to leave Kenya last year after teaching in a local bible college. Gary ministered on Salvation/Covenant Promises, and about 30 came forward for prayer to have their lives changed by the Lord Jesus. Afterwards we were invited to return in the month of May for another visit.
Gospel Evangelistic Church
On the 14th of March we were at Pastor Evans Church, Christ Restoration Centre. The Lord gave Gary a unique message on the Signet of God. The altar response was that 7 came forward, some for healing, others for salvation for their family, Baptism of Holy Spirit, and some for spiritual strength. Pastor Evans saw a great need for teaching his people after this visit and scheduled another meeting for 9 days in the bush area of Kakamega for multiple churches and their leaders.
Christ Restoration Centre
.We went to Bungoma, Kenya on the 29th of March through the 4th of April. We ministered at Netima Worship Centre with Pastor Barasa. We were ministering to the leaders as well as the congregation. We were also there ministering with Pastor Sampson who was an Evangelist and did the outside meetings (see left). We had some evening meetings as well as day meetings. (See pictures Here and Here) We arrived safely after traveling for 5 hours on bad roads. Praise God for His safety! They had not had any rain for some time, but Gary told the Pastor about the anointing of the “rain” which other pastors had said that came with him. The rain came that afternoon and stayed the entire week! Everything was looking very green by the time we left. Halleluiah! The different topics that Gary taught were Parable of Sower, the Anointing, Three things that cause success, Faith and Prayer, and for the pastors and leaders special helps ministry. While we were there 158 people came to the Lord. It was also a joy to our hearts to see the truth of God’s Word enter into the people and set them free! We also taught the youth, couples and Janet ministered to the women. On Sunday the 4th Gary taught on Preparation for Altar of God at Netima Worship Centre, while Janet ministered at Pastor Festus Juma’s Church on Stewardship. After lunch Gary baptized about 50 people with Pastor Barasa
Baptizing new converts with Pastor Barasa. Click Here for another picture
Celebrating the Lord at Netima Worship Centre
An interesting note for you that don’t know, while we are in the bush area we have no running water, and most of the time no electricity to even read by at night. The meetings above ran from early morning until dark every day so that by the time we came back to the Pastor’s house it was dark. We then had to eat by the light of a lantern, which did not give much light. We bathe out of a plastic bowl, but are glad to get the water since the ladies have to walk so far to get it.
On the 10th and 11th of April we were invited to a conference with other speakers by Pastor Solomon Kamau. It was a denominational annual meeting, and Gary ministered two days. After that meeting, one of the pastors came to us with a desire to have a pastor’s seminar for all pastors who are interested, so he is currently arranging that meeting. This is what is in our hearts also, but we must work hand in hand with the local pastors who are willing and see the need for it in their churches. On the 24th and 25th we were at Pastor Kamau’s church in Nyeri, which is about 2 ½ hrs. away from Nakuru, where we live.
We had a blind man that came forward at Pastor Kamau's Church, although he did not want to be prayed for, for his eyes, but for a need for his father. He was so moved by the Word of God that he gave 10 KS to Gary in a handshake and later gave Gary his tie after washing it and wrapping it in newspaper.
Prayer for a blind man, Pastor Kamau's Church
One testimony while we were at Pastor Kamau’s was that Jane Wanjiku a member of his church was prayed for last year that she might have a baby. She had a baby previously, but that had been some 4-5 years before. She did not think that she could get pregnant again. We prayed for her and when we went back this year she had a baby girl, whose name was Mary Wangari (pictured right). She had experienced several miscarriages up until then.
We have had most if not all the Pastors tell us that the Word of God through teaching has had a wonderful impact on their people. This is why we are here, to impact the people of Kenya with the Word of God. Praise the Lord forever!
May God richly bless you as you have prayed and have given, so that His Gospel can reach those in the darkness and turn to the glorious light of Jesus Christ.
In Christ Love & Service,
Gary & Janet
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