MAY - JULY 2004
We bring each and every one of you greetings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus Christ who continually refreshes and restores the soul of every man that turns to Him. We have been quite busy here in Kenya since having returned in February of this year from the US....On the 28th of May we attained our work permits under our already existing ministry here in Kenya. We are so thankful that it has been accomplished by the Lord’s favor and your prayer support. Thank you once again for your continued prayer support for our needs and for the ministry that we do here in Kenya, Africa.
We were in Kisii town from the 30th of April to the 3rd of May this year where we ministered at Ambassadors for Christ Church. Many lives were touched as we ministered on “Up against what I’m Facing” “Giving”, “The Great Commission”, and “Covenant”. Many came forward at these meetings and teachings for the Lord to change their lives.
Teaching in Kisii
On the 9th of May, we ministered at John and Ruth Macharia’s fellowship, GECK Church on “Three ways to succeed” and most of the church came forward to the altar for ministry.We revisited Pastor Adagala at Christian Restoration Centre who had recently moved his church and had two meetings with him. This was a rare occasion as Gary had a young woman interpret for him. Although she was new at it she did a good job at bringing the message so that the folks could understand the Word of God. After returning from this meeting, we had water problems for a week, but God’s grace is upon us to help us and sustain us in all of our needs.
Ministering at Pastor Adagala's Restoration Centre.
We ministered on the 23rd of May at Pastor Joseph Kutty’s Church (right), which is an Asian concern however not excluded to them only. Many came forward for prayer. There were two for salvation, one filled with the Holy Spirit, and one child we prayed for, for a skin disorder and we received a report later that she was healed. There was also a “Word of Knowledge” also that came forth so that the mother knew how to treat the problem. Praise the Lord! We are continually seeing a hunger for the Lord throughout the Asian community as well as the national men and women of Kenya.
We have also been ministering to some of the missionaries here in Kenya, strengthening them as the Lord enables and gives us grace. We are all part of the plan of the Lord Jesus Christ and each one is valuable to Him for service and productivity. Missionaries are God's arms and hands of love, and it is important that we help one another and encourage one another in the Lord. We have several individuals come over who are not yet saved, but have questions in their minds and hearts about the Lord and His Word.
From the 4th through 6th of June we were at Bishop Evans Church, Christ Restoration Centre ministering on several different topics One man who was saved and who happened to be passing by, came into the church and was prayed for. He said that he was being harassed by evil spirits, so we ministered to him by the Spirit of the Lord. We also found out while visiting this church that the last time we had come here, that a marriage was healed after praying for them and the Lord speaking to them through the congregational message. ( Picture Here).
At Pastor Daniel Machuma’s Church almost 200 young people were in attendance. We gave SS material to him and he was very grateful for it.
Pastor Machuma's congregation.
On the 11th of June through the 18th we had four different couples over for dinner. We have found that ministry in small groups is very needy as well as effective.On June 21-28th Janet and Gary went to Webuye town and ministered at Pastor Ndogo’s church which is called Full Gospel.
Ministering in Webuye at Pastor Ndogo's church.
We went to 5 different churches in that region. We ministered at night and during the day. We traveled 48 miles the day after we arrived on road that was pretty bad half way there. Then we traveled back to Webuye and it rained that night, however 75 folks came to the meeting after walking many miles through rain and on bad roads to hear the word of God. We went to an elder's church, (not ordained or recognized as a pastor yet) and drove 42 more miles and very bad clay road. It rained so hard that the road disintegrated so we had to use 4-wheel drive to get back. Many of these roads are made of a type of red clay and when it rains they just turn to soup (Flooding in Kisii). They are often times sloped too, so you just slide off of the road even though you have 4-wheel drive on! Without it we could not even get a block after the rains come.
Five days of ministry in Webuye region.
We ministered at Pastor David Kamau’s later that week and three were saved while others came for prayer. Janet ministered at Ndogo’s church on Friday afternoon to the ladies on “Christian Stewardship” and Gary shared later with the youth of the church on “Being born an Original.”On Sunday morning all of the churches came together, about 300 folks for a celebration and Gary ministered on “Where is Jesus in your life Boat?” Many came to the altar and were ministered to while two came for salvation. We saw five saved this week and five filled with the Holy Spirit as well as many needs met and lives changed by the Word of God. Praise the Lord!
While we were there a nearby neighbor was robbed of 106,000 KS (about $1,300). The men who robbed him ran off and tried to obtain some help from a lady in a nearby home by telling her that they had robbed from an Asian and needed her to help them. She said that they could stay in her “pantry” and so after they went in, she locked the door and told her neighbors and they called the police. The police came and surrounded the house and there was quite a battle for a while. Then when the men saw that they were not going to get out alive, they wrote the names of the men who had helped them, (who were police officers) on the wall and shot themselves!
We thank God for His continual protection and the precious blood of Jesus, which we have been purchased with. After returning from Webuye, Janet and Gary went to Naivasha town which is about an hour away to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary on the 2nd of July. We enjoyed a couple of days rest while we camped there.
We returned for several night meetings at Daniel Machuma’s fellowship on the 9-11th of July. While we were there the pastor’s house girl was healed instantaneously of malaria and the was healed of a bad foot problem that she had been suffering with for two months. We ministered to her personally and spoke some things to her so that the confusion left her mind and she was able to receive what the Lord had already done for her on the cross. (right: Pastor Machuma's wife assists in song after her healing).
On the 18th of July we ministered at Pastor Ndirango’s Church at Eldama Ravine, which is Ebenezer Glory Centre. There were twelve men and women that came forward for salvation an about 200 came for ministry at the altar there. This was a powerful meeting and God’s Holy Spirit was in great manifestation as many of those who came to the altar fell to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ebenezer Glory Centre
On the 25th of July Gary ministered at Jotham Opicho’s All Nations Worship Centre on Sunday morning and we were invited to come back in August.
Pastor Opicho's All Nation's Worship Centre
We had the privilege of praying for a man, David Ontweka, after meeting his brother Clinton who was recently saved and delivered from drugs. We went to his house and had a small bible study and David gave his life to the Lord and was gloriously saved and delivered from Satan’s power. He is now helping us with the repairs that we have constantly with our vehicle.Again, we want to thank each one of you that have enabled us to continue the Work of Jesus here in Kenya. You are the ones that assist us with your prayer support, ministry needs and the financial ability so we can accomplish His work here in Kenya.
In Christ's Service and Love,
Gary & Janet
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