Hitching a ride - This is the way bicyclers go up steep hills.
We bring special greetings to each and every one of you from Kenya, Africa, praying that you might receive His wonderful peace and joy in your lives.We continue to see the hand of the Lord here in Kenya, especially for the provisions of finances, protection and a peace that only God can bring and does, so that we can effectively minister here on His behalf. Your prayers and support have ministered to us and through us so that all this is possible. Thank you all so very much and may God’s riches and blessings continue to flow to you and your families.
We have witnessed many heartbreaking situations that have gone on here in Kenya, in the last three months, and most are not very positive. We went to a reception here on the 8th of August for a very good friend and his wife. Several weeks later our friend, his wife, and his sister was involved in a terrible accident on the road from Nairobi to Nakuru where we live. Our friend died, and his sister was seriously injured, but has recovered thanks to the prayers of the Saints.
Another Pastor and his wife whom we had recently talked to, were on their way back to Nakuru on the same highway, when they had a road accident and were both killed! These terrible tragedies should remind all of us that we are in a “Spiritual War” and as there are casualties in a natural war, there are also casualties in a spiritual war as well.
We began the month of August with a weeklong meeting from the 9th thru the 15th in Kagamega Town. We ministered to pastors, leaders and youth, as well as 2 different churches that attended the meetings.
Kagamega Town
We ministered again locally in Workers area on the 22nd at Pastor Opicho’s Church where many came forward for healing, deliverance and other needs as God met them wonderfully.
Opicho's All Nations Worship Centre
On the 5th of September we went to Pastor Macharia’s Church, Greater Shekina Glory, where Gary spoke on the end time “The War Before Us”. Several folks came for healing.
Greater Shekina Glory Church
We had another weeklong meeting from the 19th thru 26th at Eldama Ravine at pastor Ndirangu’s, Ebenezer Church. We were there through 2 Sundays conducting 3 meetings each Sunday service concluding with a couples meeting the last Sunday. Through the week Gary ministered at the lunch hour and evening sessions. The lunch hour meetings were on the “Covenant of God”, and many reports came to us that the Word of God had changed their lives. The evening meetings were on various other topics that also brought good reports from the pastor and leaders. We really experienced the out flowing power of the Holy Spirit at these meetings, as it was quite evident in the lives present that were changed and delivered!
Ebenezer Church at Eldama Ravine.
Pastor Ndirangu and his wife (above right) came the day after the meeting to Nakuru and spent a couple of days with us to rest and enjoy our fellowship as we had enjoyed his.
On the 3rd of October we ministered at Pastor Njoroge’s Church on “How to turn your faith loose”.
Gary ministered on the 10th at a youth concert at the old town hall in Nakuru.
We went to Nyeri from the 20th thru the 23rd and ministered to six local pastors and leaders for 3 days. Pastor Solomon Kamau helped to put the conference together from a former request of Gary’s, though he was a bit reluctant because of the financial obligations and group unity from some of the other pastors to assist with the meeting. The finances were not met as was suspected, but Gary told Kamau not to worry, that he was trusting the Lord for this meeting and he would not have to bite the bullet. Interestingly enough, we completed the 3 day meeting with a Sunday service at Pastor Kamau’s, Kenya Evangelistic Church. At the conclusion of the Service Gary prayed with the congregation having ministered on “Spiritual Growth”. Then a visitor came up and gave the Pastor an offering of the entire balance of what was lacking from the pastors/leaders meeting that was held the 3 days before. Praise the Lord!! It was a good opportunity to see the Lord at work as we step out in faith to see His Word ministered to the leaders and pastors of Kenya.
Kenya Evangelistic Church
We had our own fall colors while visiting Nyeri and saw the beautiful Jacaranda trees, which were in bloom. They sure reminded us of the trees in Tennessee and North Caroline in October when we come home.
A Jacaranda tree in Nyeri
The last thing that we might want to note is that Janet was attacked by a giant bird while at Nyeri town, and can you guess what kind of bird it was? No it was not an eagle, nor an ostrich, not a goose either but something that you see much of in the last of November in the US. Please see picture (right) for the feathered friend that kept nibbling at Janet every time we had to get our car out of the compound of the hotel while at Nyeri.
Thanks once again for you prayers and blessed support for the ministry of Missions to the World.
In Christ's Service and Love,
Gary & Janet
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