Once again we bring each of you special greetings from Kenya, Africa where the Son is still shinning in the hearts of those who believe upon His Holy Name!We have been in the process of setting up meetings for 2005 with pastors and leaders of all denominations so that we can more effectively minister to the body of Christ here in Kenya. We have noticed lately that we have not accomplished what we are truly desiring to accomplish by ministering in the local church only. We usually minister in a church one or two times a year, and that is not enough to do what we would like to do. We feel if we can reach the pastors and their leaders at 25, 50, 100 or more at a time, then we will accomplish more than going to 52 different churches throughout the year.
The leaders must be assisted in the ministry of excellence; both in the natural things and the spiritual things so that they can grow in the knowledge of what the Lord has for them to do. We will be ministering the whole of this year on "Church Growth", "Dealing with Conflict", "Zeal for the Work of God", "What is a Leader", "How to be more effective in the work of the Ministry", and other pertinent subjects so that they can be and do what God has called each of them to be for his glory.
One of our last meetings in 2004 (December) was in the slums of the industrial area of Nairobi. We met with about thirty different pastors from Nairobi who want to arrange meetings in 2005 for them and for their leaders. Gary ministered three sessions at Pastor Egesa's Global Revival Church there. We had to park our vehicle a half a block away because it could not come down the road where we ministered. There was a small curb and much water from the rain and the slums.
With Pastor Egesa in the slums
Pastor Egesa's congregation. CLICK HERE for another picture
We started the new year 2005, January 25th thru the 30th in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi. We were working with Pastor Grace in the local church there as well as some other pastors who desired to hear and speak with Gary for future meetings in Nairobi and other areas. The pastors/leaders meetings on Friday and Sat. were not well attended, but we spoke to them about future meetings and what we desired to do for them. We also ministered at Pastor Grace’s in the evenings and again on Sunday finishing with two services. When we finished on Sunday, they gave us a large banquet to show their appreciation (below). At right is a picture of a guard that watches over the people’s compounds and houses at night.
Ministering at Pastor Grace's church
A large feast!
We were at Pastor Adagala’s Church on the 6th of Feb. where two folks came to know the Lord as their personal Savior. We traveled to Kericho town to meet with several pastors to set up some future meetings for both church and leaders meetings.
Pastor Adagala's church
We ministered at Pastor Macharia’s Church, Greater Shekina Glory on the 13th of Feb. on “God’s people, provision and covenant.
We returned to Kericho town on the 19th where we followed up on the previous meeting that we had with Pastor Kemei (picture right). We ministered on Saturday night and again on Sunday morning, where eight folks (picture below) came to the Lord and about forty or more came to the altar to meet with our Lord for various needs. Pastor Kemei has a very unique testimony that I would like him to share with you in the future. But to say that he began in humble beginnings has a new meaning with his ministry beginning under a tree. I wonder how many of us would begin under a tree, and how many would come to hear us under a tree? He now has been blessed because (I believe) of his faithfulness to the Lord and to the Word of God, with about 250 folks in his church.
Ministering at Pastor Kemei's church
CLICK HERE for another picture
Eight saved
On the 27th of Feb. we were at Pastor Opicho’s Church and also returned on the 6th of March to speak to Opicho’s first graduating class after 3 years of study by them. It was a wonderful time in the Lord, although it was a very, very long day with all of the speeches, presentations, and sermon.
Gary ministered at Nyahururu from March 8-13th at Pastor Kinuthia’s Church at lunch hour meetings, evening meetings and Sunday as well (Read Pastor Kinuthia's personal testimony at the bottom of this page) . We also had a pastors/leaders meeting on Saturday while we were there to encourage his leaders.
Pastor Kinuthia's church
Alter call at Kinuthia's
We had some problems starting the car again (our Pejaro - picture right) and pulled the engine on Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week to find out what kind of problems that we were dealing with. When you pull an engine here in Kenya, it is like pulling teeth! We had 8 or 9 guys manually pulling our engine out, including me, and I really had my doubts as to whether or not it was going to come out in one piece. Since then we have had to replace the turbo with a used one at $200 and feel that what we paid was a good price from what we have heard the used ones go for. We have spent about $500-$600 on the vehicle last month alone and hope that it will start yielding some good days for us as we have much travel to do starting in April. We finished this month at Pastor Gabriel’s Church in London. No, not that London, it is a suburb of Nakuru not to far from town. Gary ministered from there on the 25 – 27th. We had 2 evening meetings and concluded with a Sunday morning service.
Gary had to keep moving to avoid getting wet...
Pastor Gabriel is one of those Pastors that is really trying to go forward in the Kingdom of God by trusting and doing what is right. As you can see in the pictures left and below, the building that he is staying in is in desperate need of a roof. If anyone would like to sow finances for some building materials for the roof it would very much be appreciated!![]()
We want to close by letting you know that all of the missionaries now have to pay taxes here in Kenya, which are very high, but the Lord is able to sustain us in whatever he calls us to do. Some missionaries are already planning to leave Kenya and go to other countries where missionaries are not taxed.
The dollar has lost value again here in Kenya and has dropped now 8 points, but we are confident that what the Lord wants us to do He will enable us to do for His glory.Thanks once again for all that you are enabling us to do for the Lord and unto those here in Kenya. Your love and commitment are very much noted and appreciated by us, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Gary & Janet
Right: No, those aren't boots Janet is wearing. It is mud that she stepped into when taking a picture of Pastor Egesa and his wife.  
--------------------------------------------- Pastor Kinuthia's Testimony..........
My name is Rev. Kinuthia, I was born in 1964, in Nyandarua District, Central Province, Kenya. In 1972, I joined the primary school of OL Kalou and later went to Munyeki Primary School. In 1979 my parents moved with us to Laikipia District, here I joined OL Moran Primary School in the same year. I managed to complete my primary school education in the l982, in yet another school, Kahuho Primary.
My parents were so poor that they were unable to take me to a secondary school and I had to join them in ways of supporting them. Life was not easy for me as I had high hopes of leading a better life than this. However, in the year of 1993, I gave my life to Jesus and He showered me with love, and I to love Him to this date. My life took another dimension, and I have never been the same again.
The following year, 1994, God called me into the Ministry while working in the timber industry, with the National Pencil Company, as a machine operator. God told me to serve Him full time, which I did being a father and bread winner for my family, my parents and my brother and sisters, life was not easy at all for me. There were challenges from my fellow workers, complaints from my relatives, financial problems in paying the house rent, buying food, schools fees, clothing,... the list is endless.
For 6 years I worked as an Assistant Pastor to Bishop Harrisson Ng'ang'a, the founder of Christian Foundation Ministry. In the 7th year, 1999, I was sent to Nyahuryuru Town as a full time pastor under the same ministry. In a period of 5 years, I had managed to train 8 pastors, and six of them have large churches.
My vision is as follows. God has called me to prepare the saints (bride for the bridegroom), and thus I believe that He shall continue to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.
My long term vision is to have the following, being enabled by God:
1. 20 acres of land whereon to construct an auditorium of 10,000 seats where people will be taught and equipped on facing the anti-Christ and being prepared for the wedding of the Lamb.
2. To have a School of Ministry for the training of Church Leaders, Pastors and other people who are called to serve God in various capacities and fields. This school will offer certificate to degree level training.
3. Due to the high rate of the spread of HIV/AIDS, The ministry cannot be left behind in the rehabilitation of those infected with the virus. The home is intended to have the following facilities:a) A Children's home with all facilities for the growing up of children including a school.
b) A rehabilitation home for the Adults with HIV
c) A hospital for in and out patients including a maternity wing.Rev. Geoffrey Gitata Kinuthia
Christian Foundation Fellowship
P.O. Box 1842- 20300 Nyahururu, Kenya
Tel: +254 (0) 722-308050
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