APRIL - MAY 2005
We bring each of you warm greetings from Kenya, Africa where the rains have started to bring seasonal increase and the rain of the Spirit continues to bring forth a harvest of souls as we draw closer to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The month of April started off with Gary & Janet going to Kericho, where it rained the entire time they were there. While we were there at Pastor Kemei’s in the rural, we were visited by an assortment of “Noah’s friends.” There were chickens and their chicks that came to hear the Word of God as well as an assortment of birds, cows, cats and dogs; Oh yes, and a few humans too.
We had many sessions where we all enjoyed the presence of the Lord with laughter as we looked at our weakness as well as our strengths. Several pastors traveled about 50 miles (80-100Kilometers) to get to the meetings. We experienced many days of no electricity because of the frequent rains that we experienced and because the roof was tin it was very difficult to hear at times, especially without any of the microphones working. We look at the rains a bit differently because of the hardship they bring; The people of Kenya say that if it rains when they have a guest, that is the blessing of the Lord.
Pastor Kemei's in Kericho (CLICK HERE for another picture)
We saw a true hunger for the Word of God and the Presence of God from the people who came. Gary would give an illustration of some practical ministerial application that could be used with the ushers, and just at the same time someone would walk into the building adding to the validity of the example.
We concluded on Sunday morning with standing room only and many were outside by the windows listening to the Word of God. It was very, very hot that day and felt like about 100 degrees inside. That morning our car would not start, so the host family took us to the church. When we came back from Kericho, we put the vehicle in the local garage for repairs and it was there for 2 ½ months trying to get the problem of the engine solved.
On the 14th-15 of April, we returned to the same town of Kericho with Bishop/Pastor Deus. We experienced a wonderful time as the Lord brought 60 Pastors and about 100 leaders that represented 18 different denominations to hear practical as well as spiritual teachings on Pastoral/Leadership material. The host Bishop said that Gary was teaching just what the pastors and leaders needed. Other pastors commented that they were strengthened and felt like they could continue in ministry. The Bishop asked Gary to pray for 9 different pastors that represented 5 different districts and God had a word for them. After the first day the pastors wanted us to come back to Kericho and also to Tanzania and possibly to Uganda in the future. We have had so many problems with transportation recently that we have not responded to their request but will look into them later.
Pastors and Leaders Conference in Kericho
We were able to sow some resources into a young woman’s life to help her start a business and so she could maintain herself. She was very excited that God would care that much for her and her family.We visited Pastor Grace of Nairobi from the 20th-24th of April as we conducted a Pastors/Leaders Seminar during the daytime and the evening meetings were for revival and strengthening of the church. Our vehicle broke down again on the way to the meeting after having it back only 1 hour on the road. We had to walk back and forth to the meetings during the day, but took a taxi at night, as it was not very safe in that area.
Pastor Grace's church in Nairobi
Meeting with Pastors and Leaders Speaking to Pastor Grace's congregation ![]()
We had several people give us their testimonies while we were there, so we will share them with you:
One lady at this meeting said during the second night meeting, Gary had spoken prophetically to her about a situation she was going through, which she had been asking God about. Gary did not know her or what she was going through.A pastor that was at the last meeting we did in January told Gary he taught on the Covenant after hearing about it at that meeting and he lead 7 people to the Lord as a result. Even though the week was difficult, we had some very successful meetings. One lady who was said to be “crazy” met us as we were walking one day and she spoke in a understandable language, and said we were people of God and preached the Word. Pastor Grace knew her, and said she never heard her use proper speaking that made any sense before.
When we were ready to leave Nairobi with our baggage, the Lord made provisions for us, as another missionary was in Nairobi and gave us a ride back to Nakuru where we stay.
In May we ministered to another missionary family that was scheduled to leave for Tanzania during the month of May. We helped them pack their things as well as fed them several times before they left and had good fellowship with them.
We finished the month still dealing with car problems and finally had to get a lawyer involved to assist us with dealing with the mechanic as he refused to stand behind his work. We have since found out that he “possibly deliberately damaged” the engine by breaking already existing parts and putting in faulty ones.
We ended this month ministering at a small town called Gilgil, which is about 35 minutes away. We were invited by Pastor Dickson, of Word of Life Centre, who has been ministering there about 1 year. Gary ministered at lunch hours and evening meetings as well as a Pastor/Leaders meeting on Saturday followed by a wonderful service in the presence of the Lord on Sunday morning to conclude the week. (Please read Pastor Dickson's testimony at the bottom of this page)
Left: Two ladies saved
Below: Ministering at Word of Life Centre
While we were at Gilgil, Gary spoke to a boy's academy, Utumisha, to just encourage them and the Chaplin Patrick wants Gary to come back next year for a whole service. Chaplain Patrick was also requesting for any used or new good Christian videos that might affect the boys in a positive way.
Utumisha Boy's Academy
We had several testimonies of what the Lord had done the entire week:
The Sunday meeting started off with 2 ladies, Ann Muthoni, and Mary Wanyira coming forward to accept Jesus into their lives and hearts! (See picture above: "Two ladies saved")After not eating for 2 days, and being extremely nauseated, the daughter of the folks that hosted us during these meeting was healed instantly and went home and ate a full plate of food. The Father, Mr. Sylvester Nagi started going to church while we were there and we are trusting the Lord for his Salvation.
One young man testified that he had received a new shirt from the Lord. Although this might not seem very important to you and I, but to him it was an answer to prayer because he only had one other good shirt for Sunday the Pastor testified.
Another man, Charles Okoroni, was healed of a bronchitis and asthma condition and no longer has to take medication for his sickness.
Another woman that we met in a shop had come to the meetings and been prayed for when she requested prayers for a child that had been severely burned and was in the hospital. The child had been in the hospital and it was becoming a hardship to pay the bills. The child was reportedly released the next day.
We finally purchased a used Toyota for the local driving back and forth to town, and had to pay about $4,500 for it and make some additional repairs. This is the car that we took to Gilgil. Praise God for His faithfulness and His mercy that endureth forever and ever toward those who will believe upon Him and seek His face.
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Gary & Janet Priem
--------------------------------- Pastor Dickson's Testimony
Dear friends,
THIS IS MY TESTIMONY OF WHAT I AM DOING HERE IN GILGIL, KENYAPraise God, I received a call from the lord early 1996 when the lord put the burden upon my heart of equipping the body of Christ and preaching repentance to his people. I started by doing evangelistic meetings in the villages for eight years until when God spoke to me about starting up a church on 6th June 2004. I took the step of faith and started one in town, God backed it, now we are 70 members. We are trusting God to go far than that. I am having a vision to reach many in the community, as the world becomes more corrupted, so the burden in my heart increases and even heavier than I started.
We've started building a bigger hall than where we are now which can hold 350 seated members, which is not the end, it's just the pathway to the vision. We've also started projects where by we give the children without parents (who died from AIDS) food and clothing and we are trusting God to give them even shelter and eradicate illiteracy.
In this work there are many challenges like:
1. We need people around us to help supply food and clothing for these children which the church is unable to cater for.
2. A sound system for reaching the lost in the communities through open air meetings.
3. Transportation for the sound system since some of these estates which we go to are very far from the church and we have to use hand carts now. This way of transporting the equipment also damages it.GOD BLESS YOU! WE TRUST AND HOPE THAT BY THE MIGHTY HAND OF GOD OUR VISION WILL BE THROUGH. THANKS IN ADVANCE
If you have anything to communicate please contact kdimwa@yahoo.com or write:
Pastor Dickson Wambugu
P.O. Box 11
Gilgil, Kenya
E. Africa
Below: Much needed food and clothing being given to the orphans
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