We bring you greetings from Kenya, Africa where we are enjoying a bit of cooler weather here in the winter months of June through August. We wanted to thank each of you who have partnered with us to make this ministry a success. Truly it is by your prayers and support that we are able to accomplish what God has called Janet and I to do.In June, we still find ourselves struggling with the engine problem saga of the Pajero, our 4 wheel vehicle. We are having to take it to a second mechanic to find out exactly what the last mechanic did to the vehicle. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and the situation that we have gone through.
We began this month going to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya and ministering from the 14th of June through the 19th at Pastor Harrison’s Christian Foundation Fellowship. Gary ministered at the lunch hour meetings where 400 or more were present for each afternoon service, including 30 or so pastors from local churches in the area. On Sunday we concluded the week with 2 services on Sunday morning as Gary ministered before a congregation of more than 1000 on “Precise Prayer and the Covenant. We had altar calls throughout the week and ended with a great time at the altar on Sunday morning with the Lord accomplishing signs and wonders for His Name sake. We also had a wonderful time with Pastor Harrison and His wife Lucy as we visited with them at their place in Nairobi, enjoying great fellowship and food.
Below: Ministering at Christian Foundation Fellowship. ( CLICK HERE to see another picture)
On the 3rd of July, we visited Nyahururu with some good friends, Pastor Larry Hardin and his family, for our anniversary and a wonderful service that the Holy Spirit took control of and filled hearts and lives with His presence and blessing.We went out again on the 15th thru the 17th of July and ministered at Pastor Simon Ngahu’s church in a town called Mukerweine. Gary ministered on Prevailing Faith, The Living God, Armor Bearer, Precise Prayer, and Covenant Foundation. About 20 folks came to the altar on Sunday morning and the Lord met them at their faith.
Below: Ministering at Pastor Simon Ngahu's church.
We went to a new fellowship on Sunday morning at Pastor Raphael & Alice Mwenga, at Deliverance Church just outside Nakuru town. We had a good time there and they were very hopeful that we could work together in the future.
Below: With Pastor Mwenga at Deliverance Church.
Gary began teaching at Pastor Jotham Opicho’s All Nations Springs of Life Bible College, not too far out of town here locally, from the 2nd thru the 8th of August. The subject was “Covenant” and the reports from everyone were that it was a wonderful teaching and an “eye opener”.
Below and Right: Pastor Jothan Opicho's "All Nations Springs of Life Bible College"
On Thursday of the same week beginning with the 11th, Gary and I went to Nyahururu to minister at a yearly conference held at Pastor Kinuthia’s Church. We concluded with a Sunday morning service on the 14th where Gary ministered on "Four Progressive steps to Victory".We had two that came forward to give their lives to the Lord, while several children came also to be blessed and healed. There were also some that came to be filled with the presence of the Lord and others came for various needs. The altar was full to overflowing and Gary called Pastor Kinuthia as well as others to help in praying for those who came forward.
Below : Pastor Kinuthia's Church.
We are still experiencing growth and change in our ministry here in Kenya, and have a desire to meet with the Pastors and Leaders of Kenya and other countries, who have a real burden for their own people. We will be attempting to meeting in the future with the Pastors, Bishops, and leaders of this country as well as others to impact their lives with the Truth that we know will set them free and assist them in life and ministry.We are hoping by next year or early in 2007, to be able to go to other countries as the Spirit of God leads and directs us. We have been given many invitations, but the timing did not seem right and we have been waiting on the Lord.
The Lord however, has recently opened a door with some assistance from some local folks from India to help Janet and Gary to minister in India. We will continue to trust the Lord for finances for this trip as, as well as others as it will be an additional expense in our budget here in Kenya. Please pray for direction, favor, and financial enablement for these meetings as we will be standing before many leaders in different countries as the Lord continues to lead us.
We will be traveling back to the US on the 18th of September to be refreshed and to minister to those of our own country. If you would like to contact us and invite us into your church, fellowship, bible study or businessmen’s meeting. Please contact us at the website email address if you have not previously contacted us before. Below is the itinerary set so far:
- Sept 30 thru Oct 5th: We have a Missions conference in PennsylvaniaIf you want to be part of Missions to the World, to reach hurting people and those who desire to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we welcome your prayer support, financial enablement or supply, please contact us or email us at: mttw10@hotmail.com
- Oct 8th: We will be in Warren, Pennsylvania for a Full Gospel Business Men's meeting
- Oct 9th: We have a meeting with Halton Church in Pennsylvania
- Oct 11th: We have Women's Aglow in Pennsylvania
- Oct 22nd: We have a Full Gospel Business Men's meeting in Pennsylvania
- Oct 24th thru 31st: We will be in Tennessee
- Oct 31st thru Nov 4th: We will be in Louisville, Kentucky
- Nov 4 thru 6th: We go to Benton, Kentucky where we will enjoy a Missions conference
- Nov 7th thru 13th: We will go back to Louisville
- Nov 14th: On to Indiana for one day
- Nov 15th thru the 18th or 19th: We go back to Pennsylvania on the 15th for a 3-day retreat
- Then we head back to the Orlando, Florida area
- Nov 27th: We will be in Melbourne Beach, Florida at Victory Christian Chapel
- Feb 2006: We will be at Tulsa, Oklahoma the middle of Feb to minister at Hope of Glory Church
- Then we will attend the Winter Bible Seminar at RBTC.
- March 1, 2006: We return to Kenya
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