Greetings and God’s blessings to each of you who make this ministry and effect life changes here in Kenya possible by your prayers and support.We arrived in Kenya on the 3rd of March 2006 with much to do and much to clean after being gone for 5 ½ months in the US. It has taken us some time, but we are now getting back to what we would call normal. We have learned that more car-jackings have been going on in broad daylight, usually by 3 or 4 people having weapons and demanding money and cell phones. The wicked are truly becoming more wicked, and bold as well, in their actions. One car-jacking was done just at the end of our street in December to some missionaries that had just returned to Kenya after being gone for some time.
As some of you know, God has dealt with us about going to India sometime in the future to minister to the Leaders/Pastors there. After having the Lord speak to us we have put the trip into His hands, but have already seen the Lord bring some divine invitations and a wonderful meeting as a result of his speaking to us. We were told about a Pastor Joshi, an Indian Pastor, just before coming home last year, by a born again Asian family that lives just outside Nakuru. They told us about him and that he was coming to Kenya after we were going to leave for the US. We discussed the possibility of meeting with him via email, letter or by phone.
When we returned to Kenya we spoke to the family again and discussed the possibility of the trip and ministering with Pastor Joshi. Then the Lord had Pastor Joshi come to Nairobi, Kenya on a special invitation from a large church for an Easter program. We met with him and spent some quality time with him for 2 days. He has a wonderful testimony as God has done marvelous things in his own life and ministry. He wants us to come for 30 days so we can minister in 4 or 5 different areas for 5 days each to the leaders of India. We are asking all of you to pray about this trip for the future, as we believe that it is God and it is His desire to minister to the Leaders of India. The trip will cost about $3,000. When we met with Pastor Joshi we gave him a case of Bibles for the leaders and pastors of India.
After trying to settle in and get unpacked, we started our first Mission on the 29th of March by going to Bungoma town (see pictures below), which is about 4 hrs away on bad road (We took our Toyota Corolla because our Pajero is currently involved in a court case and is out of commission because of deliberate sabotage to the engine). The main focus of this 5 day meeting was to minister to pastors and leaders and to strengthen them in their ministry and calling. After 4 days of “roughing it” where we stayed outside of the town, in an unfinished house and having some “do do's” (bugs) crawling on us, we realized some wonderful fruit as reported from Pastor Geoffrey Makoka, the host pastor of the meeting.
This wonderful report came to us 1 ½ weeks after we returned home. The following Sunday the Church was packed with new attendees almost doubling his congregation. There were 22 reported salvations, 12 rededications, and several that had been prayed for during the week came forward to testify of the goodness of God. One lady in particular was totally healed of asthma after we had prayed for her on the Sunday just before leaving. You might ask why there so many folks coming to the Church after we had left. The reason is, that the whole week we were there, the church had speakers that were blasting out to the street and to all of the small shops that were in the area. These small businesses were hearing the Word of God all week and the Spirit of God must have dealt with them to make a decision. We are praising God for the Wonderful response that came as a result of the Word of God and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit to the people of Kenya.
Ministering at Pastor Geoffrey Makoka's church in Bungoma town.
We came back and started to prepare for the next mission which was to be in Nyahururu about an hour away. Gary was not feeling well by Monday night and was worse by Tuesday with headache, chills, fever and sweats. We eventually went to town and got some Malaria tablets because we suspected it was malaria, but did not know the strain of it. On the 12th Gary was not much better so Janet went to the next mission alone. “What a Woman!” She ministered in a women’s conference 2 days and returned to see how Gary was doing. We found out that Gary had a bacterial infection of some kind. What kind was never assured but it was nasty!
On the 15th of April, Janet went with David Sirma to Nairobi to pick up our guest speaker from the US. Aaron Jones came to minister and to present a “Wordless Tract” to the Masai pastors and leaders that are trying to reach their own people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the bush areas of Masaii-land outside of Nairobi district. The meeting was in Isinya on the 16th thru 18th of April. The meetings went well as Janet and Aaron both ministered.
The pastors and leaders said that the tracts would definitely help the ministry that they had to their own people. Most of the Masai, up until recently have not been able to read or write in their own language due to the fact that they are a nomadic people and do not receive as a result the education that they need. That is now being changed from what we are hearing for the next generation.
On the 23rd of April, we took our guest, Aaron Jones to All Nations Worship Centre and he spoke in the 2 services on Sunday for Pastor Jotham Opicho. Lives were truly changed and impacted by the Word of God. We took Aaron Jones to Nairobi on Monday where he prepared to leave for the US on the 25th.
We have been struggling with our Toyota Corolla, especially going to Nairobi about 2 ½ hrs away, now 3 hrs away because they are tearing up the road and making several diversions off the main street. The large trucks and semi’s are literally tearing the temporary road up before our eyes and if it continues will not be passable in another 2 months for small cars. It is now rainy season and will continue to be so for some time. This really makes travel difficult off of the main streets and almost impossible in the rural area. We have prayed concerning another 4 wheel vehicle to replace the one that is being held up in a court case. It will cost between $6,000 and $8,000 to replace the older 4 wheel drive vehicle, but we know the Lord is willing and able to do something about this so we can continue to minister here in Kenya with the terrible roads.
Love, Gary & Janet Priem
Right - The Masai women present Janet with the gift of a necklace (The Masai ladies love to wear a lot of different colored necklaces and when they are dancing the bouncing necklaces make quite a show).![]()
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