MAY - JUNE - JULY 2006
We greet each and every one of you in the precious Name of Jesus. Thanks be unto God who always gives us the victory through Christ! We trust that the Lord Himself is continually present in your lives; in a fresh and living way to deliver, save, strengthen, heal and encourage you. We believe that not only here but in every place where the good news is being preached, Christ Jesus is magnified and His Spirit is moving to change lives.
We have been very busy in His service, both in the pulpit and meetings with pastors to lend a hearing ear and a sensitive heart. On the 14th of May we ministered at All Nations Springs of Life to Pastor Jotham Opicho’s congregation. We ministered on “Consequential Sin” and “Failure and Defeat”. There were three that came forward to receive Jesus into their hearts and lives and sixteen others that came forward for various needs. On the 28th we returned to Opicho’s Church and Janet ministered in the 2nd service, as the ladies conducted the whole service. She ministered on “The 2nd Coming of Christ.”
Ministering at Pastor Opicho's All Nations Springs of Life church
We ministered at Pastor Adagala’s fellowship (picture right), Christian Revival Church on the topic of “Hungry for God”. The Pastor said that it was the message of the Spirit and that it was exactly what they needed. Several folks came forward for prayer and afterward Gary gave a dozen bibles to members who did not have one.
On June 13th and 27th at Hope of Life Ministry, Gary ministered on “Communication” and “Relationships”. Some of those who attended were teachers as well as students. Some of these folks are saved while others are not saved, having come out of family that either abandoned them or left them as orphans from Aids. They are currently learning a trade skill because they formerly did not have education as a normal child would have. They desired basic training and people skills because they were never taught being left to fend for themselves.
On the 17th of June, we ministered at Eldama Ravine, at Pastor Ndirangu’s fellowship. Janet ministered on Saturday on “Fat Christians” and on Sunday, Gary ministered three different services; “Crisis comes to all of us”, “Spiritual Sacrifices and Worship”. After the second service, two-thirds of the congregation, or about 350 people, came forward for prayer. Because there were so many, we do not know how many were saved, but God ministered powerfully by His Spirit at the altar.
Pastor Ndirangu's fellowship in Eldama Ravine. Many come forward (below).
We had lunch on the 24th of June with a team from the US which included Tad Gregurich from Rhema. We enjoyed our time with them; and enjoyed hearing the “American English”.We returned to Hope of Life Ministry again and ministered to the folks there on “Covenant”. Some of them bought tapes and one young man, David gave his life to the Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord for ever!
On the 18 of July, we traveled to Bungoma, a town four hours away. After having traveled four hours and then trying to find a decent hotel (ha, ha) we unloaded our baggage and then proceeded to the meeting where Gary was to minister. He said that he was very, very tired, but after he had prayed and stepped up to the pulpit, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him and there was a refreshing as well as a powerful anointing by the Spirit of God. Isn’t Jesus wonderful! We continued ministering the whole of the week, Gary ministering sixteen times concluding with a Sunday service.
Bungoma town
On the way home from this meeting we met with another Bishop and his leaders to acquaint ourselves with them and to let them know about our ministry to the church of God. Bishop Wanjala was from Kenya Crown Gospel Ministry. They called today and told us, much to our surprise, that they were expecting us tomorrow morning at the Bishop's house at 8:00 am. We sent them a text message explaining that we could not come as we had not set a meeting previously and that they are three hours from here. We deal with this sort of thing from time to time here in Kenya. Sometimes it is the problem of miscommunication, while at other times it is just “manipulation”.On the 30th of July, we ministered at Pastor Omwega’s church, One Flock Ministry. Two men came forward to give their lives to the Lord. We later found out that both of these men were elders of the church. How could that be you ask; almost all of these folks came out of the 7th Day Adventist faith. The pastor had gotten born again and had a visitation from the Lord while on a trip. So some four months ago he came out of his former faith and into a living faith in Christ and the new covenant. Most of his church is just not learning about salvation, so the message that Gary preached, “The Living God”, was exactly what they needed to hear. Several other adults came forward for healing and all of the children, about 30 or so, came forward to have hands laid on them.
Pastor Omwega's One Flock Ministry church
Two Elders come forward for prayer
We have been passing out SS material to the pastors of Kenya as the Holy Spirit leads us and they are truly grateful for the material.Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. We are still being led to go to India later on this year for a month. We will be ministering to the Pastors and Leaders of that nation. Please be in prayer for us and for the lives that will be receiving the living Word of God. We have already received what we believe is half of the finances for the trip.
Thank you all for your support. A special thanks to the church in Hallton, P.A. with a loving and giving congregation of folks that have given of their finances and Love toward the trip to India.
May God bless each and every one of you and keep you safe and in the power of His grace and Love.
Love, Gary & Janet Priem
One of Kenya's giant ant hills
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