We are continually thanking God for his faithfulness in the work of the Lord both here in Kenya, and what we see in India. We have been exhorting the saints in both lands as the Lord continues to lead and guide. We have been taking it easy here in Kenya as of late, due to the busy schedule that we incurred while in India.
On the 6th of May we visited One Flock Ministries where Pastor Omwega is overseeing the work of God. He has a challenging ministry as most of his flock came out of the 7th Day Adventist Church.
Right: Pastor Omwega of One Flock Ministries
Below: Gary ministering at One Flock
Janet and I went to two different churches on the 13th of May. She went to Pastor Kutty’s fellowship while Gary went to Pastor Adagala’s Church. Janet ministered a timely message on Reverence, Forgiveness, strife and Gossip. There was a great response to the message as the Holy Spirit brought the message through her teaching. Gary ministered at Christian Revival Church on Unity and Diversity.Gary ministered at the Asian Fellowship on the 26th of May on the 'Success of the Early Church'. It was a good time of fellowship after words as well as good food in abundance.
Right: Gary ministers at Asian fellowship. Below: Bobby Bhat sings and plays the harmonium (a traditional Indian istrument) at Asian fellowship.
On the 29th of May Janet ministered to an Asian ladies fellowship which she recently started at the request of several ladies in the community. She spoke on the subject of prayer and all in attendance were attentive to the timely message. The ladies come together every Tuesday for a Bible study and then a time for crafts and refreshments.
Below: Asian ladies fellowship group. Below: Asians enjoy a time of fellowship.
We began the month of June on the 3rd at Pastor Jora’s in Lanet, as Gary spoke on ‘Success of the Early Church’.
Ministering at Pastor Jora's Church in Lanet
On the 9th and 10th we traveled to Eldoret where Gary ministered the word of God to the leaders of Pastor Million. They were very receptive and enthusiastic as Godly illustrations were given by the Lord. On Sunday morning Gary ministered to the entire congregation on ‘God’s promotion, going to the next level’. In the evening we participated in a leaders and wives seminar and dinner. It was a great success as many questions were asked as well as viewpoints expressed by all. The evening ended when the leaders and wives exchanged gifts. It was a wonderful expression of their love and admiration toward one another.
Gary ministers to Pastor Million's congregation in Eldoret
On the 24th Gary ministered to the Asian fellowship on the ‘Storms of life’. There was a greater understanding within the church in attendance of the reasons for storms and how we are to respond to them.
On the 30th of June we held a pastors/wives seminar in Nakuru town (picture left). Though not well attended, it was inspirational and enlightening as ideas and thoughts were exchanged.
We then returned to Pastor Muya’s Church after not having been there for some time. It was a good time of reunion of some of the fine people there that we had not seen in some time. Gary ministered on the Crisis of Life as several came for prayer needs.
On the 22 of July we ministered at Pastor Opicho’s fellowship, All Nations Worship Center. Pastor Opicho was in the US ministering to the saints there, so we sat in for him on this Sunday. Gary ministered on the ‘Prophet’s Gift’. There were many ears opened to hear the truth concerning the authority, validity, and misuse of the gift in the church today.
We will be in the States from mid September of this year until early next year. Please continue to pray for our various needs as we will be setting up our homestead for the first time in the US in 17 years. It will take some time to accomplish this but we feel that it is the right time and season to be preparing for our future in the States.Below are some of the needs that you can be praying and agreeing with us for as we have placed them in our Father’s Hands:
1. A vehicle for four months to travel while in the US.
2. A modular home to set on two acres of land.
3. Filing for Social Security for Gary
4. Traveling expenses for the States as well as safety.
5. Favor for extra meetings while in the states.
6. Divine appointments for future ministry and needs.
7. Pray that we will realize some time of refreshing during this trip home.Thanks for all of your prayers and support, we really appreciate each one of you and realize that we are only as effective because we are upheld by your love and prayerful support.
If you would like to have us in to your church or fellowship, please contact us via email and we will do what we can to see you while we are in the states.
In Christ’s Service & Love,
Reverend Gary & Janet Priem
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