Greetings to each of you who are in the beloved!Since we returned to Kenya as of January of 2008, we found that things had not been well in the country.
There was much tribal fighting, burning and looting going on in the country both prior to the Presidential election and afterwards. The country seems to be trying to stabilize now but it has a long way to go in many areas.
We were not been able to go out from the town of Nakuru that we are from for the first few months because of the illegal road blocks and continued destruction that many were causing because of their own losses and disappointments in the election and also because of their homes being destroyed.
We had a great meeting in Isinya, Kenya. We ministered both to the local church and to leaders and pastors in March of this year. We gave out books that were instrumental in helping the leaders and pastors that attended the meeting.
We also ministered in Pastor Joseph Wambugu’s Church. Pastor Wambugu was a former student back in 1995 at the Njoro Bible College where we were lectures or teachers. We are so very grateful to the Lord to see some good fruit come about as a result of our labors from that time.
Isinya, Kenya ![]()
Ministering at Pastor Wambugu's church ![]()
We also have been ministering in a local church, Light Restoration Center, with Pastor John Kamau. Gary has been teaching on the covenant for two Sundays and has been asked to return for two more Sundays to give them what the Lord has given to him over the last few years. (Below also, is a picture from Pastor Macharia’s Church just on the outskirts of Nakuru).
Light Restoration Centre ![]()
Pastor Macharia's church ![]()
We have both been continually ministering to the Asian community here in Kenya as well. Janet has been ministering in a ladie's group lately on the Person of the Holy Spirit. I have been ministering in both the men’s Asian fellowship group and the family Asian Fellowship on different occasions.
We have also been giving out many Sunday School materials and bibles as the Lord has provided for us to pass along to the people in Kenya and other countries.Gary was teaching in Springs of Life Bible College in Workers area, which is located just outside of Nakuru. Here are several pictures of the students in class as well as the Pastors and others receiving books and SS school materials.
Pastor Ophicho recieving bibles ![]()
Students in class ![]()
Student recieving a bible at Springs of Life ![]()
Students recieve book on Ministry of Helps ![]()
Pastors at Springs of Life recieve SS material
We would like to share with you what wonderful things the Lord has enabled us to do because of your generous support and prayers for this ministry in Kenya and around the world. The following are testimonies of the Lords goodness and provision through the ministry here in Kenya.Pastor Million, a Pastor from Ethiopia, who has been ministering in Kenya for the last number of years is now preparing to return to Ethiopia after recently getting married again. As some of you know, his wife and child died some five years ago in child birth and he has been without family in Kenya.
He has invited us to come to Ethiopia in December and has already spoken to pastors there about our coming. We are excited about the trip and have already started to receive designated finances for the trip. A most interesting fact is, that the first support has come from a national man and his wife, Wilson and Beth, who are managing an aids babies home, who want to have fruit from Ethiopia from our ministry. Praise the Lord!
We also were invited to Pastor Million and his wife’s small reception, held in a local restaurant, to congratulate them on their recent wedding covenant together. At this gathering, several of Pastor Million's leaders came up to Gary and told him how much the church had been blessed and changed because of the Word of God that he had brought last year. Not only were people saved, but there was faith built into the hearts of those in the Body of Christ.
We have also recently prayed for several of the Asian ladies who have been in Janet’s bible study, prayer and craft group and they have received the Holy Spirit. Their lives will never be the same again! Praise the Lord who never changes!
After ministering at Bishop Kamau’s church, Light Restoration Centre, for four different Sundays on the Covenant of God, he also invited us to minister at a sister church in Naishi which was about an hour or so out of Nakuru.
There were three that came forward for salvation and many, many more for various needs. They were so very thankful that we had come to a small town and ministered the Word of God. We also gave a few books to both the Pastor, his wife and several elders. (Right: Pastor Kamau and wife)
We ended the meeting with an outside crusade meeting in the marketplace, in which Gary gave a short testimony of the goodness of God, to encourage those who were there.
Pictures of outside crusade at Naishi on the conclusion of a two day meeting
May each one of you be encouraged; You have fruit in Kenya and other nations, through Gary and Janet, as the Lord opens the door, and you partner with us in sending us to nations of the world.Love,
Gary & Janet
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