Dear friends, we hope each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas as well as a happy Thanksgiving. We are trusting the Lord with you for a prosperous, peace filled and divine favored New Year.We have been very busy here in Kenya, after just returning as most of you know from our trip to Ethiopia this past December.
I would like to just go back a little bit in time, from the middle of the year through December so those of you who do not have email can know all that we have been doing here in Kenya and in other places as the Lord has led us.
One of the projects and outreaches that we have been privileged to be part of is the women’s craft and bible Study, which Janet has led. Also, an Asian men’s bible study and fellowship which works as a steering committee for the Asian Fellowship which meets once a month. In November we also started a Bible study at our house for those who want to go deeper in the Word of God, and for others to lay a good foundation from the Word of God.
Janet and I have both seen a great hunger in the Asian community as of late. It has taken some time for the ladies that she was teaching to realize confidence and trust in her as well as the other lady named Deb Walker. However, they have really blossomed as of late with a sincere hunger for the Word of God as well as a love for one another. This may seem strange, but in their culture there are many social walls that must come down before there is much progress made.
Janet has been sowing most of the Seed of the Word of God in the last two years, and in the last several months Gary has been able to teach them on the covenant. Several of the ladies have said, “This is the one piece of the puzzle that we have been missing.”
The Asian men have also begun to thirst for more of the Word of God and want Gary to begin teaching a foundational series on Wednesday nights when they meet. The Bible study that we started last September has also seen growth, not only in the numbers of those who have come, but the husbands of the ladies that meet with Janet have also started to come on Saturdays now! Praise the Lord for His Word that changes lives and hearts.
There has been much violence in this country as most of you well know. When we first arrived last year in January, the ministry had to stop for some time due to the violence in all of the country. To give you an example, in April of last year one group called the Mungikis burned two cars in our town of Nakuru. Two of them were killed by the police as a result. There have been many such incidences as well as the burning of whole towns.
We also decided to move from our apartment on the 27th of June, due to a terrible lack of water situation, compounded by an increase in the amount of rent which was being charged by our landlord. As some of you know, we moved down the street to a private compound for the first time in 8 years and are now enjoying the peace and security of our spacious two bedroom house.
We have been ministering in several churches since last year and we will give you a compacted run down of those we visited and what took place....
In June 22nd, August 24th, Sept. 28th and October the 12th of last year we visited Pastor Wambugu’s Deliverance Church (left). We ministered there upon request of this pastor who was a former student at the Njoro Bible College where we first taught when we first came to Kenya, Africa. Many came during our visits for salvation and for various types of ministry.
On July 6th, 20th, 27th and the 3rd of August we visited Pastor John Kamau’s Lighthouse Restoration Church in Nakuru (below). Gary taught on the Covenant of God for these meetings. Many came forward on the 4th Sunday for various needs and the Lord graciously met them at their faith.
On the 13th of July we went to Pastor Macharia’s, Greater Shekinah Glory Church, which is just outside Nakuru.
Gary taught in Pastor Jotham Opicho’s bible college (below), Springs of Life from August 5th thru the 12th. He taught the subject of covenant and the students thoroughly enjoyed the subject as they expressed over and over.
Lighthouse Restoration Church
Springs of Life Bible College
We visited Naishe, Kenya, which is about 1 ½ hrs away from Nakuru in a small rural village. We were there on the 16th and 17th of August. Three received the Lord Jesus and many came for healing and other needs.On the 24th thru 26th of October we ministered 3 ½ hours away just passed Kericho town in a place called Chesanga, with Apostle Koske. His ministry is Signs and Wonders Evangelist Centre. There were eight additional churches in attendance throughout the weekend. The first night 25 men and women gave their lives to the Lord. There was dramatic deliverance at the altar as the Spirit of God was in great manifestation (below).
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On Saturday, Gary had 3 meetings, one with pastors only and then 2 followed with leaders workshops. On Sunday Gary spoke on "Three Keys to Success". There were over 1000 men, women and children present. Many came forward for prayer and deliverance as you can see by the pictures.Signs and Wonders Evangelist Centre
We made a special visit to minister to Pastor Kamau’s leaders at a restaurant which belonged to his cousin. Gary taught on Leadership and the Spirit of an Armor Bearer.On November 8th, Young-ae, a Korean lady brought another Asian lady, Divia, to our house to be prayed for to receive Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever!
On the 2nd, 9th and 16th of November Gary taught the subject of “Giving”. On the 16th, Gary spent about 45 minutes answering questions concerning the subject of giving as well as tithing.
On the 22nd Gary taught leaders and Pastors the whole day at Pastor Njoroge’s Church. He taught in Opicho’s All Nations Church on the 30th of November as well. Three were saved and one came forward for healing.
On the 12th of December through the 24th of December, we left Kenya, Africa to go on our first missionary trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Gary ministered in 4 different churches, all of which were Pentecostal in doctrine but much different in their names. They ranged from the first church, which was Bible Army Church, Myluwongel Church, Mekane Eyesus Church, a Lutheran Church and Kale Hiwot Church, which is a Baptist Church. Gary also ministered in two different occasions to university students outreaches.
Bible Army Church
On the 14th of December Gary ministered on "The Shaking has Begun". Eight men and women received Jesus at the Army Bible Church where about 800 were present. On the following Wednesday night at the Full Gospel, four more received the Lord Jesus as others were delivered wonderfully by the Lord and healed.
On the 21st of December we ministered at a Lutheran Church and were wonderfully received by both the congregation and the Pastor, who said Gary could come back any time.On the 23rd of December Gary ministered at the Baptist Church, Kale Hiwot. There were about 1000 present to hear Gary minister the Word of God. Four came forward for salvation.
This was a wonderful trip that we both enjoyed very much. The host family, Yonatan and Hereg and their two young girls were a joy to be around and were very kind to us. We became good friends in the time that we were with them. We especially enjoyed getting to know their culture and hearing what they had gone through in their country during the Communist Regime.
We also attended a wedding while there and enjoyed very much celebrating with the Armides, and their sons, as well as friends and family.
Right: Wedding celebration
Below: Traditional Ethiopian Coffee setting
Thanks to you all many came to the Lord, were healed and delivered by the Spirit of the Word and the Lord! We are praising God for His faithfulness through your generous gifts and Love.Love and many blessings,
Gary & Janet
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