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  JANUARY 2002


Happy New Year to each and every one of you!


As most of you know, Janet and I have been in the states for the last few months and have had a very busy schedule. We are preparing to return to Kenya on the 8th of February.

We want to thank all of you who have prayed for us and have opened your hearts and homes to us while we traveled throughout the states. Also, a special thanks to those of you who have helped with our traveling expenses and bills in Kenya with your gifts of love.

During our time here, Janet and I have applied for our own 501c3 non-profit status with the U. S. Government for Missions to the World. We feel that this will give the ministry more credibility and make it easier to handle the finances that support the work we are doing. It will also help us in setting goals as we work toward the vision that the Lord has placed before us. We appreciate the assistance of Pastor Bill Cox of Victory Christian Center for the covering that was given to us by his ministry the last two years.

With this new status comes another change. As of now there will be a new address to send all financial support comeing into MTTW. This will be a permanent address and we foresee no need for any more changes. Please make note of the NEW POSTAL ADDRESS which is on our Contact Page. All checks should be made out the same as before, MTTW or Missions to the World. Our stateside contact and Treasurer, Barbara Neff, will continue to assist us and you as needed. (We encourage you to keep posted to this web site so you can have a firsthand look at the work we are doing while in Kenya).

We are thanking the Lord and the Welker family for their generosity in helping us get our '88 Oldsmobile road worthy while in the states. A big thank you also to Pastor Doug Bankson who responded to the Holy Spirit and took care of the cost of having the badly needed engine work done. God bless you all for your obedience to give, enabling us to travel in the U. S. without incurring a greater debt for the vehicle.

Our travels have taken us throughout Florida, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania. We have had time with family, friends, and new acquaintances, not to mention many churches we have had the privilege of visiting.

We ministered at First Assembly of God in Orlando, Florida, where we made a missions presentation. At Melbourne Beach, Fl, we enjoyed fellowship with Pastor Jim Kibler and his wife. We also were at Pastors Darrell and Lisa Morgan's church in Apopka, Fl. While in Pennsylvania we enjoyed the saints at both Faith Church in Ridgeway, and at Pastor Hill's Smithtown Community Church, where we spoke of the ministry that we are accomplising in Kenya as missionaries. We also spoke at Hope of Glory Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, with Pastor Joseph Reeves Jr. and enjoyed the time there.

Gary and Janet (center), with Pastor Jim and Mary Kibler
Victory Christian Chapel, Melbourne, Fl

Pastor Darrel and Lisa Morgan
Word of Life Church, Apopka, Fl

First Assembly of God, Orlando, Fl.

Hope of Glory Church, Sand Springs, Oklahoma

It is hared to believe that the time has already come and gone and that we have but a few days left and we will be on the plane again headed for Kenya, Africa. We so appreciate all of your love that has been demonstrated toward us in prayer, and gifts so that we can continue the Lord's work in Kenya. We will continue to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God in that area so men might hear and be saved. We will also be teaching in the Bible College in Njoro as requested by the Principal and friend, Jack duPreez.

Please know that each on of you are precious to the Lord and His work, and very much appreciated by Janet and I. Please continue to pray for us as there is much yet to be done. We are believing the Lord for a prosperous year as His Word and Spirit become more evident in all our lives, both here and in Kenya.

In His service,

Gary and Janet Priem



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