Greetings in Jesus wonderful Name,
Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who made our trip to the U.S. a success by your prayers and giving. We arrived safely back to Kenya on Feb. 10th. We found everything intact in our apartment and had a lot of cleaning to do after being gone for 4 ˝ months. We also had a bit of a struggle to get our phone working again. It only took them until the 15th of March to get the line totally fixed. Things move slow in Kenya!!!
Gary started teaching at the Njoro Bible College on Feb 19th on the subject of Hamartiology (the doctrine of sin) and he is now teaching on the Covenant of God. Janet substituted for 3 weeks due to an unscheduled trip back home by one of the lecturers from South Africa. There are 3 couples from South Africa (one of which is Asian), one couple from Zimbabwe and us from the U.S. that are teaching at the college. It is a new team and along with teaching we are trying to build strong relationships with one another. When the college breaks in April-May, we will be going on a camp out with the entire staff along with their children for 2-3 days.
Janet with studentsOn the 3rd of March Gary ministered on the Covenant, at Abundant Life Worship Centre, where Pastor Makichi, who is our lecturer from Zimbabwe, has a church on the college campus. It was a wonderful time in the Lord. We received a report from a man, that had attended a previous meeting at this church when Gary preached, of his testimony of a healing and getting a job. We thank God for what He is doing here in Kenya and we are expecting to hear of more testimonies of what happens in each service.
Abundant Life Worship Center On the 10th of March, Gary ministered at Pastor Joroge’s church, Faith Victory, in the morning service on "Righteousness rewarded" and the pastor asked him if he would minister that night at a sister church. Gary later ministered at The Peace Makers Chapel for Pastor Richard Kiyabo on "Light the fire." It rained very hard as we were on our way to the church and we had to walk through 3” of water to get to the building. This pastor is from Tanzania and the Lord has opened up a way for him to start this church. The landlord of the property does not charge anything for the church building or for the house the pastor lives in. He also allowed us to park our car in his enclosed compound where it would be safe. We had our vehicle broken into the end of Feb. which was parked outside of a pastors house. (outside of the gated compound) One of the vehicles door locks were damaged, both of our Bibles and a set of jumper cables were stolen out of the car, so now we are even more careful about where we park.
Faith Victory Church
Leaders of Peace Makers Chapel and Faith Victory Church
March 24th Gary ministered on "An outstretched arm and spirit" at All Nations Worship Centre for Pastor Opicho. We had a very good service and we expect to hear what the Lord did in that service. There was one man that rededicated his life to the Lord that we know about. We could tell that the Lord was ministering to Pastor Opicho also.
Gary and Pastor OpichoSince we are away from home without family and friends, we get together with the other missionaries once a month for fellowship, dinner, worship and a small teaching from one of us. This month they asked Gary to bring the word and it was a good time to reflect on what Jesus did for us on the Cross and His resurrection. It helps us stay focused and also strengthens us if we are having problems. We had a special dinner with a roasted leg of lamb and many foods that people are accustomed to eating at this time of the year. There was a large variety of food since we have missionaries from Denmark, Germany, South Africa, America and Zimbabwe. We always come away refreshed.Due to the holiday, we had a special chapel service on Wednesday evening the 27th for the students at the Bible college. We had a skit that our English teacher, Judy Naidoo helped the students perform, Gary brought forth the Word, then we had communion and had a foot washing by candle light. It was a powerful and emotional time in the Lord and it was the first time the students had ever been in a service of this kind. We could tell that the Lord had done something in each of their lives by the smiles and the talking after the service. When we had finished, we had crepes with cinnamon & sugar on them along with a cup of chi (hot tea with milk and sugar).
Love, Gary and Janet
TESTIMONY 1: I AM AMOS OWINO, AND AM BORN AGAIN. It was last year when we were visited by one of the missionaries from America called Gary Priem in our church. He had a powerful message that made my faith to grow in that day. I had a problem that I was always expecting God to help me. In that day I felt in my heart that this is the day that God is going to visit me in a different way. After Priem finished the sermon, he made an altar call for those who wanted God to touch their lives. I had previously had eye problems since 1989, whereby sometimes tears came out of my eyes, with aching in them. I could not read because of this. Since I have been prayed for and have received my healing I have never felt this problem again. Nowadays, I can read very well and there are no tears coming out and the aching is also gone. I also did not have a job, but was desiring one so I could take care of my family. Before 2 days were up, someone came to me and offered me a job. I thank God so much for His miraculous deeds. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. I am still expecting Him for more and more in my life up to the end. I am also wishing this man of God the best in the ministry. May God richly bless him.TESTIMONY 2: I met Mr. Odiambo for the second time as he approached me on the campus of Njoro Bible College. I saw him as one of the workers who were working on the structure of the future kitchen and dining hall for the students, but did not recognize him as knowing him from a previous meeting. He greeted me with “Praise the Lord”, and I responded in like manner. He began to speak to me concerning a meeting that I was in with a Pastor Elijah Thuo, that had 7 different churches attending. I had been ministering on Foundational Faith, and Mr. Odiambo had come down to the altar to receive the provision for a job. I had told everyone that needed a job to step out in faith and come forward believing God for that provision. He came believing, and as a result, was employed by the Jack duPreez the Principal of the Njoro Bible College with his workers. The principal said that he was a very good worker and knew his business and was honest and hard working. Praise the Lord, he rewards integrity and righteousness. Mr. Odiambo was so very excited about God, and what He had done for him through the ministry that the Lord has given to us here in Kenya.
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