Missions to the World, Gary and Janet Priem Ministries
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Gary and Janet Priem
Gary and Janet Priem
Itinerate Ministers

- Former missionaries to Kenya, East Africa -


"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you;.."


Ministering in Alabama
For more pictures and news, visit our Newsletter.


Please be sure to visit our Archived Newsletters which contain detailed information and numerous pictures of the years we served the Lord as missionaries to Kenya and India.

Our page, "The Father's Heart", contains many of Gary's ministry teachings and ongoing lessons are updated on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.

(Complete INDEX is below)



Since our return from Kenya, we have been traveling and ministering to churches here in the U.S. We would love to visit your church and stir the hearts and souls of those who hunger for Jesus and His Word. If you would like to have us minister in your church or group, please send us an email at: mttw10@hotmail.com. Or you may call Gary at 256-623-2820.

For those who would like to contact Gary and Janet Priem concerning ministry please see the Ministry Contact Page. We do appreciate the ministry invitations that we recieve from those who see a need for this type of ministry; one that we have been doing around the world.

Gary has finished writing his book entitled 'The life and Calling of a Missionary'. This challenge and command came some 6 or 7 years ago by the Spirit of the Lord, while Gary and Janet were in Kenya, Africa.

Though it has been challenging and difficult at times to continue with the book, God has recently prompted Gary to finish the book and get it published.

With all that being said, the book is now finally complete and is in the hands of the publisher; and we should be hearing of it's progress very soon. There will be updates on this book as well as Gary and Janet's travel plans as they unfold.

When the book is finished, if you or your church would be interested in a short presentation of what a missionarie's life consists of and would like me to bring some copies to your church, please contact us and we will make some arrangements with you to visit your church if possible. If we are unable to make presentation, you can order the book online or at your local bookstore when the book is finished. The full information will be posted very soon.




Newsletters and Photos

Ministry Needs

Statement of Faith

Contact Information

The Life and Calling of a Missionary

From the Father's Heart

Nakuru Market Photos

The Street Children


Christian Connections in Kenya



Christian Search Engines 


Hits since April 2003
Views since June 2001

CopyrightŠ 2001-2015 Missions to the World

Background by Elizabeth Smith